28- 'i love you' in lyrics

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To the girl with the perfectly good heart

After a thousand throw out speeches I almost said to you, this is the one that made it. The first time I saw you, I was enchanted to meet you. The smile on your face behind the camera, the way your eyes lit up when you talked about Taylor Swift and I could go on and on,on and on, and I will for the rest of my life. Before I knew it, I was all about you. I watched you laughing from the passenger side as we sang along to your favourite songs (because I was never allowed aux). All the parties we went to, you drunkenly pulled me to the floor, I told you "I'm not much for dancing", but for you I did. I brought you home, anxiously tryna fix everything cause the devil's in the details and nothing could ever be as perfect as you. I love your handshake, meeting my father. Drew walks by me, and I think can he tell that I can't breathe? That day when my dad pulled me aside, can you see right through me? I finally said it out loud I don't wanna look at anything else now that I saw you and he was the first to know. When we got back I noticed Jay was tryna lay some moves on you, my girl. Later I realized you wanting me tonight feels impossible so I tried to get over you but couldn't get over the pit in my stomach thinking that Jay had a shot with you. You make everyone disappear and it was proven everyday you walked into practice and all the people I call family turned to nothing when I saw you. I wasn't expecting to do this but I realized it was my last chance before Jay swept you off your feet (dipshit). All of this silence and patience, pining and desperately waiting needed to end so I finally told you that I wish it was your name, forever the name on my lips. I went to every store in the city trying to find the perfect bouquet of sunflowers just imagining the smile on your face when you saw them. I followed Rose to all her classes just so she would tell me what you liked. I remember all your stories about the beach and how much you love it. Everyone had other ideas but they don't know you like I do, so I stuck with my gut and it was all worth it when I saw your face light up. I annoyed Azzi with hours of Taylor Swift on repeat just trying to get the words right. Everyone told me that we were meant for each other like it was some new information to me. I knew you belong with me so I gave you my all. Seeing the way your entire body lit up with happiness when you saw the picnic I had out for you and knowing that I could be one of the reasons for your smile everyday was what helped me figure out that I needed you all to myself. The plan to ask you to be my girlfriend that day wasn't supposed to happen. I was finna ask you on the second date, because you hate odd numbers (5 is even in spirit), but looking at you in my arms it slipped out. After that day I don't think I've ever been happier. No amount of championship wins could compare to the feeling of waking up by your side. Getting to brag to the whole team that you were finally mine.

When I tore my ACL, you were by my side through it all. You sacrificed more than I could've ever asked and I never thanked you for it. You spent countless nights sleeping in those uncomfortable ass hospital chairs and never once complained about your back, even though I could tell you were hurting. The dark days when fear crept into my mind when I didn't know how to balance the shots life had thrown at me. You gave me all your love and all I gave you was goodbye and I regret that more than anything. Breaking up with you was the worst mistake of my life. In the long run, it hurt more than tearing my ACL. You may have thought that I didn't care, that I was numb, but there was happiness because of you and it would take a lot for me to forget that. I knew you were ignoring me and every time we saw each other we small talk, work and the weather. I never imagined we'd end like this and it killed me knowing I couldn't go back and change it. I lost you as my girlfriend and my best friend in one day. I hadn't been sleeping. Staying up, playing back myself leaving and how your face fell when I lashed out on you, I thought I had reason to attack but you didn't deserve that. Even the team was disappointed in me, wishing I'd realized what I had when you were mine. Eventually you came to more practices and I saw the smile slowly return to your face. When your birthday passed, and I didn't call, I wanted you to have one day without the constant memory of us. The only time I really saw you was through other people's posts. I'll watch your life in pictures, like I used to watch you sleep if that meant getting to see you smile. The only time you looked at me was through the camera lens, only taking enough pictures to supply demands and then turning away. I had to keep up with our old friends, just to ask them how you are because every time I got you alone we got interrupted. And I feel you forget me like I used to feel you breathe, the only person to blame was myself, I'm the one who burned us down. The first time you talked to me, you were drunk and stumbling over your words. I'll spend forever wondering if you knew how badly I wanted to fix things that night but I couldn't. I knew you would forget the whole conversation. At that brunch, there I was again, forcing laughter, faking smiles with you and him in front of me. I wanted to tear his arm off your chair, hold you close to me but I couldn't. Clung to the nearest lips long story short, it was the wrong girl. When I opened the door to find you standing there I knew the girl inside meant nothing. Struggled through the night with someone new, wondering if when you sleep, are you ever dreaming of me? I had so many words I needed to say to you, but there was never a chance where it felt right to say, so I kept my mouth shut. I knew you wouldn't have listened to me when I told you to not get me anything, but I still told you. It was no surprise when you showed up with a gift, but never had I expected you to spend more than $20 on me. Even after all I had put you through, you still cared, and that proved to me that you are too good for this world. The more drinks I had, the farther you seemed. Your speech brought you closer, but not close enough. My hand was on your thigh and everything felt normal again. You felt cold (what's new) but I'm a fire and I'll keep your brittle heart warm. You dragged me away from the party, my drunk thoughts spiralling out of control. You went along with it. I get drunk but it's not enough cause the morning comes and you're not my baby but you would've been if I hadn't forgotten my promise to you.

Even in my worst times, you could see the best in me and I couldn't see that for myself. You gave me roses and I left them there to die, so this is me swallowing my pride standing in front of you saying I'm sorry for that night. Every time I looked at you I saw the hurt I caused. I would've done anything to keep you happy and I knew that if you were still with me I couldn't give you what you fully deserved. There's so many things I never got to tell you. You may think my love was for show but I would die for you in secret. I love the way you always rubbed your thumb across my hand when you held it. Or all the times you held me close before a game. The confusion on your face when I tried to teach you basketball but you always maintained enthusiasm. The way you memorize little details. How you stick your tongue out when you're focused on your camera. How you always convinced me to dance around the kitchen in the refrigerator light. I love how you squeezed my hand three times in the back of the taxi when I got nervous. I love how you walk with your hands in your pockets and almost fall down the stairs doing it. How you'd hold back your laugh when I tried and failed to spell res-tur-ont. How you'd kiss me when I was in the middle of saying something. Everybody knows me as the strong one, the leader; Coach P like you said but to you I could admit that I'm just too soft for all of it. You were the only person who saw that side of me, you brought out a new part of me I had no idea existed.

This time I'm ready. I was the one who broke your heart and I want to be the one who spends the rest of my life tryna put it back together. I don't wanna think of anything else now that I've thought of you because I'm yours to keep, so for the love of God, please don't ever become a stranger whose laugh I could recognize anywhere. I never thought we'd have our last kiss, but you come back to what you need. What I need is you, Jules. This love left a permanent mark on me. I promised myself if we loved again, I'd swear I'd love you right so tell me that you're still mine, tell me that we'll be just fine. Help me hold on to you, but if it's too late for that just know that I would wait forever and ever to get you back in my arms. I would do anything to show you that I want you for worse or for better. Stay beautiful my girl, I got this for you cause I really know you. ;)

how you get the girl- Paige BueckersWhere stories live. Discover now