Chapter 21: Spy is waiting

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Emlin gazed through the impressive sight on her FN Ballista sniper rifle. Her breathing halted, and her finger hovered on the trigger. She shifted the reticle onto the Hummer as it drove through the traffic. The objective came into view. Red, she thought to herself. The assassin squeezed the trigger. The gunshot boomed out as it sailed through the air, slamming into the Hummer.

Eric clutched the steering wheel, attempting to keep the truck from swerving. His gaze searched the surrounding area and the buildings. He assumed she could be in a prone position on a hotel rooftop. That is exactly what he would have done. Still, the sniper/ assassin needed to find out who Headshot's target was.

A second shot roared out, piercing the windscreen. That was a last-ditch effort to get away before it was too late. Grabbing for his Desert Eagle, he sprang out and landed on his feet. He dashed across the crowded intersection to a dark alley behind the apartment complex and a grocery store. The assassin cocked his 50 caliber pistol's Hammer. In his mind, he quickly calculated the distance and height, figuring Medusa had done the same.

His earpiece chirped. Holiday said through his earpiece. Red Thunderstorm is a CIA black ops program that aims to develop unstoppable assets."

Red hesitated for a second and asked, "How the hell did Huntley get his hands on that technology?"

"He must have huge ambitions for Thunderstorm. He intends to sell it to a hostile country, Red revealed over his handler earpiece.

Listen "Don't be concerned about Medusa just now. We'll grab her later. We need to figure out who the target is and stop the assassin group before they can carry out the hit."

The damage they could cause their country if that technology got into the hands of Russia, China, Iran, North Korea, or Syria would be catastrophic. Eric couldn't imagine how it would turn out. His world had changed for the worse after January 6. It would have never occurred to him that Russia would interfere in the United States election.

Medusa locked in on Red via the sight of her sniper rifle and fired a projectile that raced out of the barrel at a speed of 2600 feet per second. Eric hurried out of the alley as he raced along the cobblestone path, spotting a Harley farther down the walkway as the round blasted into the pavement.

As he turned the key, the Harley Davidson roared to life. He re-holstered his 50-caliber handgun in his hip holster, and Red effortlessly navigated the heavy traffic.

She carefully put her sniper rifle back in the case and threw it to the ground. She then scaled down the wall, reaching for her Cabot Apocalypse pistol, securely holstered in her Black Point Tactical mini-wig. The assassin immediately held the pelican case and confidently carried it toward the Defender 110. With swift action, Emlin delicately positioned it in the back compartment. Sliding into the driver's seat, she slammed the door shut behind her. In a flash, the assassin whipped out a pistol protruding from her window and fired shots at the motorbike tires.

As the Jeep appeared in front of him, Eric retrieved his firearm from his holster and carefully prepared it. He decelerated the motorbike and aimed at the Defender's windshield. With a single shot, the sniper/assassin fired the bullet from the muzzle, which hit the windshield with significant force. As the jeep collided with oncoming traffic, Medusa forcefully kicked open the door and leaped out.

As he roared through the congested traffic, he slipped his pistol back into his hip holster. Even though he had stopped her from chasing after him and shooting him, Medusa would have to wait now. She walked down the cobblestone sidewalk, she headed towards the back of the Jeep to grab the case. She then clicked her earpiece and reported, "We have a problem." Red is still alive. "The round I fired at him hit the pavement and missed him."

Medusa, this isn't acceptable." You were supposed to eliminate him before he could find the target. "You know Huntley won't be pleased with you," Atticus communicated discreetly through her earpiece.

"Trust me, he will not find out about the target," whispered Medusa.

"We need to fly to Corfu because we have a feeling that Red is going to infiltrate the party there, and we can't let that happen," Attic stated.

Attic said, "We have a suspicion that Red is going to infiltrate the party there, and we can not let that happen, so we need to fly to Corfu."

She angrily slammed the door behind her, and the keys jangled in her hand as she started the engine and sped down the street to the airfield. With a sigh, Emlin terminated the conversation through her earpiece.A lush green field surrounded the hangar when the assassin flew to Corfu, Greece. After strolling down the plane steps, she rented a black BMW M4 Cabriolet under an alias she had used before.

The assassin got into the convertible and drove towards Achilles Mansion through the old town. The sun's warmth on her face was enjoyable, but she wasn't there for sightseeing. In order to prevent Red from infiltrating the mansion, Emlin went over every detail of the property  earlier. After arriving at the mansion, she parked outside and stepped out. Upon scanning the mansion's vicinity, the assassin figured Red would attempt to penetrate from the balcony.

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