17 | random short chapter just here to piss my readers off xP

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"Clemmy-tine!" Jenna squealed, "I wasn't expecting to see you here!"

"Jenna," I said, freezing in place, "Neither was I."

"I'm here with Rowan, we're actually...dating," she admitted a little sheepishly, "I wanted to tell you earlier, but I thought it might be a bit awkward."

"No, er...that's fine." I blinked, momentarily caught off-guard. But then again, I had expected that she would move on.

Jenna brightened up. "But you're here with someone too! I guess we're good then?"

"What?" I asked in shock.

"That guy you were with? I just saw him as I was coming over here." She paused. "Aren't you here with him?"

"I'm not with him."

"Oh." She looked surprised. "I just thought—well, it was just the way you were looking at him."

I made a strangled sound, my cheeks going red. Was I that obvious?

"Omg!" she squealed. "You DO like him, admit it!"

"We're not dating or anything," I quickly said, glancing over her shoulder.

I could not imagine anything worse than Everett walking in on me discussing my feelings for him with my ex-girlfriend.

"Well, why not?" Her face fell. "You clearly like each other."

"How do you know he likes—I mean, it's not like that!" I hastily rephrased.

"Oh, is he straight, or...."

"Well no, but—" I started.

"Then why aren't y'all dating?" Jenna demanded, placing her hands on her hips.

"It's not that easy," I started. She looked at me expectantly till I continued. "I mean...." I paused. "He's a guy, for one thing—"

"Does it matter, Clem?" She frowned. "When we first started dating you told me you were pansexual."

"I am; I mean, it doesn't matter. It's just that...it's complicated with him, and I don't really have much experience with relationships. I know we dated for three years," I quickly amended, "But things were just...easier with you."

She quirked an eyebrow. "Because I asked you out and all you had to do was say yes?"

I pursed my lips. I never had had the courage to confess my feelings for anyone.

"Clem, I think you're just too scared to take risks." Jenna sighed, taking my silence as admittance. "You can't just live your life in fear of what would happen if things go wrong."

I squeezed my eyes shut, running my hands through my hair. She was completely and absolutely right.

Jenna reached up on the tips of her toes, placing her hand on my bicep. "It's going to be okay Clemmy-tine." She dimpled prettily. "Just tell him how you feel."

I used to think she had the most beautiful smile in the world. But now even the sun paled in comparison to Everett's beam.

"That's easier said than done," I muttered.

Jenna flung her arms around my neck, hugging me tightly. Her face pressed so close against my chest that I could smell her shampoo.

She smelled familiar.

I heard the sound of skidding feet behind me as I let her go, turning around. Everett stood there, starry eyes wide in shock.

"Aah, I-sorry," he muttered, backing away, "I didn't mean to interrupt you."

"I'm Jenna," she chirpily introduced herself.

"Yes, I remember you."

She looked at him in confusion and then looked up at me, not seeming to recognize Everett. My mind unsteady, I managed to shrug.

Everett's eyes flickered over my face, searching for something. But I was frozen, my eyes blank. I felt like I should say something, but my mouth was cotton dry. I just gazed at him for what felt like a lifetime.

Everett finally spoke, his voice hollow and emotionless. "I should go." He paused, staring hard at me for a moment. "I guess I'll see you around, Clementine."

I wanted to ask him to wait, to tell him he had misunderstood. But when I opened my mouth to speak, the words got stuck in my throat.

So I just watched him walk away.

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