44 - the party

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A/N: we were number one in teen fiction a while ago, and i wasn't able to thank you all yet. here's a double update to show my gratitude!

It was their engagement party.

Ali was walking around the long dinner table, adjusting the plates and utensils, while Sawyer was thanking the restaurant owner once more. He was able to convince the owner to close it for the rest of the night for them; Ali could only imagine how he managed to do so.

She glanced behind her at the two-person table, and her lips slowly lifted into a nostalgic smile. This was the same restaurant where they went out together for the first time, and although he had invited her merely for keeping up appearances at the time, it was still a precious memory for her. After all, that day was what kickstarted everything between them.

His hand snaked around her waist, and she averted her eyes from the memorable table to look up at him. He smiled knowingly, having picked this restaurant himself, before pressing a small kiss to her forehead. His other hand was fiddling absently with her engagement ring on her finger, obliviously sending electrifying chills down her spine. She reached up to squish his cheeks together—a new habit of hers that he reluctantly allowed because of how much it entertained her to see how it contrasted with his emotionless face.

The two of them blinked back in surprise when a flash of light momentarily blinded them, followed by an excited squeal. The redheaded supervisor smiled sheepishly at the startled couple, then held up her phone to show them the picture. "Sorry about that, but I had to capture the moment. You guys are so cute."

"Hi, Marina," Ali chuckled lightly as she tore away from Sawyer and enveloped her in a hug. She then took a closer look at the picture and made an aww-ing sound. "Can you send me that please? Sawyer looks adorable in that."

"You know what looks good in that picture?" Brady remarked suddenly, seemingly popping up out of nowhere. "That ring, girl, damn. Shinier than a freshly unwrapped lollipop."

Ali gasped and quickly embraced him, catching him by surprise. "Brady, I missed you. How was the candy convention?"

"Beyond amazing! I scheduled, like, three different dentist appointments as a precaution though. But I missed you too, city girl, and I brought you some of the high quality candy as an engagement gift," Brady said as he handed her the hot pink gift bag with great care. She took a peek inside and immediately caught a warm, chocolatey whiff that made her stomach hum with approval.

"That smells really good. Thank you so much, Brady."

Brady nodded, then craned his neck to look over at the groom-to-be. "And I made sure to add some dark chocolate in there too for you, Soy-soy. Yeah, that's right, I've seen you gobbling those up in the sweets section back at the store."

"Thanks, stalker," Sawyer replied, ignoring his cheeky nickname for him.

A moment later, Ali's father—Andre—walked into the restaurant and pulled his only daughter into a tight hug. Sawyer watched as the two of them greeted each other happily, his gaze lingering on the bright smile on his fiancée's face. Ever since Grandma Nina passed away, both father and daughter made an effort to grow closer, and he knew how much this newfound relationship with her father meant to her.

"Sawyer, how are you doing?" Andre asked him as he shook his hand. "I assume you're doing very well, considering how much has changed since the last time we spoke when you requested my blessing."

"Yes, I'm very glad she said yes."

Ali stepped in between the two of them and narrowed her eyes at them. "I didn't know you had asked my dad for his blessing. So how long have you known then?"

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