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I didn't expect her to run. But my god she fast. I chase around my apartment.

She threw a pillow at me and runs up the stairs into my room. She was laughing so hard she's crying.

"Please, please, please, please," she muttered. She's out of breath.

I slowly make my way to her. She takes a pillow from my bed and throws it at me. It hits my chest and I grab it.

I throw it back at her but she ducks. She tries to make her way to the door but I tackle her. We fall onto the carpet and she's gasping for air.

I've got my arms tight around her waist, her side pressed against my chest.

She taps my arm. "I can't breathe." she laughs. I finally let her go and scoot back. She sits criss cross on the carpet with a hand to her chest. "What would happen if I tried to run again?" she asks in between gasps of air.

"Try it and we'll find out." I say.

"Ok so that's not really and option..." she seems to be  thinking. "Oh I could seduce you and then run!" she says like it's a valid option.

I start laughing and she frowns. "You can't seduce me." I say still laughing.

"Oh really?" she says grinning now.

She crawls toward me and sets a hand on my shoulder and wrapping it around my neck. She sits in my lap and brings her lips close to mine. She plays with my hair with one hand and has her other firmly placed on my shoulder.

Kiss me, I think. I want her to kiss me. She did it before and my whole body gravitated to her. But she dropped it. She didn't ask me about it so I didn't either. I didn't want to freak her out. But now, I just wanted her to kiss me. Please, I thought. Kiss me.

She watches my gaze travel up from her lips to meet hers. "You have pretty eyes." she says. I'm not exactly sure what to say to that so I just don't. She rubs her thumb under my eyelid and I close my eyes.

She places a soft kiss to my lips. When I open my eyes she's smiling but it's different. Usually it's all teeth and her eyes get real small. But now it just a simple twist of the lips.

This girl has me whirling. I bring one of my hands up into her hair and her head tilts sideways. I can take it anymore and bring my lips crashing down onto hers.

For a minute I'm worried she's not going to kiss me back but then she does, and it's just as urgent as I am.

She pulls away and just stares at me. Her hands placed on my chest and her breathing uneven.

"This is the part where I would run but your cookie timer is going off so imma let you go get that." as she's climbing off my lap I hear the timer ring. She plops down on the bed and picks up the remote.

I run downstairs and take the cookies out. I take plate of them and a mug of milk upstairs. When I get to my room my history text books are lying on my bed.

I walk into the room make a 180 spin and walk back out. I hear her laugh and she calls my name.

"Yes dear?" I say popping my head back through the door.

"You have to study." she laughs.

"No thank you dear." I say and walk back down the hall.

She grabs my arm and pulls me back into my bedroom. She grabs a cookie off the plate and I set the rest down on the bedside table.

She hands me a text book and tells me to read. "Why are we doing this?" I ask.

"Because," she says flipping through the book. "If you fail you have to quit hockey. I don't want to be the reason you're not studying but I don't want to leave so I'm going to help you."

She finally looked at me and smiled. "Also I have an A in this class."


We had been studying for an hour and a half. He was starting to understand it all. My head was in his lap and I was holding a book above my face.

"1856. Go!"

"Bicycle by Pierre Michaux. Plastic by Alexander parks-" he said.

"And the big ringer?"

"Pasteurization courtesy of Louis Pasteur."

We high-fived and Tucker walked into the room.

"You could knock..." Reece suggested but Tucker ignored him. He threw himself onto the foot of the bed and stretched.

I sat up and looked at Tucker. "Sup bestie." he said looking at me. "And ex-bestie." he said to Reece.

Reece rolled his eyes and shut the history book. "What do you want Tucker?"

"Calm down dancing queen. I just came in here to ask if you wanted to eat at Chi-Chi's for dinner."

"Omg I love that place!" I said.

"Really?" Tucker propped himself up on his elbows and Reece slid off the bed to put his books away.

"Yeah. Hali and I found it last year on a night out. We love it there but it's super expensive."

"I know." he says like a little boy on Christmas. "Finally people with taste." Reece dropped back onto the bed. "Awesome, so it'll be a quadruple date."

"What?" Reece asks.

"Us three plus Hali and your two friends-" he points to me. "-and Callum and Caspian."

"You cant pay for everyone..."

"I can." he says waving his credit card in the air. "But it's not my money so who cares?" he walks out of the room and I look to Reece.

"I should probably headed home." I say.

"I'll drop you off." Reece says grabbing his keys.

He drops me off with my car at the rink where I had left it.

"Well thanks for today and the cookies." I say messing with my keys.

"Pastries." he corrects. "And your welcome."

"I'll see you tonight." I say getting in my car and shutting the door. I roll the window down and he bends down and pokes his head through. I laugh.

"You're car is freakishly tiny." he says looking around inside.

"Compared to your truck, yeah it is." I laugh.

He kisses me on the cheek. "See ya tonight." he says tapping my window and walking to his car.

I smile as I back out of the parking lot.

All Yours {BOOK 1 OF THE LAURIE U SERIES}Where stories live. Discover now