Chapter 12: Convinced I Wouldn't Date

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Look out for the <>!

Happy Wednesday!!!!

"It's another Saturday!!!! What do you think about that Nojo?" dad asked as he walked into the kitchen where I sat on the counter, talking to Vera over FaceTime.

"Is that dad?" Vera asked.

"Who else would it be?" I asked with a smile as dad popped into the view of the camera.

"Vera! My girl! How are you? Anything new happen? Tell your old man about it. I'm sure you have so many stories about all the adventures you're going on."

Vera smiled at him, then looked at the time on her wall. "Well, since I just talked to you yesterday, I'm doing good. Nothing has changed."

Dad waved to Vera. "Great talk. I'll let you talk to Nora."

"Talk to you later."

I looked around the kitchen at dad and mom and realized this place wasn't as quiet as it was just 15 minutes ago. Needing more privacy, I got up from my seat and wandered into my bedroom.

This was the first time I had talked to her in two weeks and as much as I wanted to catch up with her, I had more important things to talk about. She knew much more about the team then I did, and I had so many questions I hoped she could answer. 

I should have asked her about the team members long before, but I never thought I needed to. I always thought I would be far from the members, not neck deep in their drama. But to help dad and build their teamwork, I needed to know the team.

"So," I started as I closed my bedroom door. "Another reason I'm calling is because I want to pick your brain about the players on the team. How much do you know about them?"

"I know enough."

"Do you know anything about Everett?"

A smile played on her lips, as if she was remembering something pleasant. "I don't know him well, but what I do know is he was friendly, came to talk to me when I would visit dad. He seemed really kind, more than most players."

I thought about how he pushed Shelly to the ground and started yelling at him yesterday. It took two players to pry him away from Shelly. "Are we talking about the same Everett? Because the one I know picks on Tad and surrounds himself with a small posy as if he is some hot crap."

She frowned. 

Confusion made my mind spin. I needed details. "What happened?"

She shrugged. "Maybe it has to do with Charles. I heard Charles did a lot of damage."

"The football player that was kicked off the team?"

She nodded. "I only met him a few times, but I never liked him. Gave me a gross feeling when I was around him. It was as if he knew he could get away with anything. He believed he was so talented. And maybe he was, but it went to his head."

"I feel the same about Everett," I mumbled.

She got up from the bed she laid on. "Well, I'm just saying, Everett wasn't a problem from what I heard. Charles was dad's headache. Don't you remember him talking about it?"

I shook my head as I tried to rack my mind with any football conversations last year and came up with nothing. Every time football was brought up, I tuned it out since I didn't care for it. But now I regretted that.

"You're kidding me. And now you're the intern for dad?" Vera asked in disbelief.

"I'm trying my best here."

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