Chapter 5

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"Hey Cesar!!" Jasmine had those eyes where you can tell she wants to ask you something.

"Hey Jasm? Why you looking at me like that?"

"I heard you went out for coffee with Mr. Pablo the day he arrived!!! Why didn't you tell me!!"

I didn't think it was that important but I mean the girl was desperate for an answer.

"Because nothing happened, we just had coffee and talked a bit."

It's true Pablo is pretty fun to be around with, being serious all the time and having to see his goofy side makes me feel different!

You know?

Or is it just me?

"Mhm.." She said with a smirk and winked at me. I rolled my eyes at her.

"What? nothing happened, but the fact that he asked me on a proper date Friday night at 7. No biggie!" She shots her head up really fast when I mentioned that I was going on a date with Pablo. Her eyes lit up and smiled so big.

I wanted to gage but I only said yes because I didn't want to decline his offer. He was being nice and maybe giving him a chance would stop me from thinking from the past so much!

Is that bad?

I'm I using him?

Do I feel bad?

I shake the thoughts that were piling up in my head away.

I can't think like that but do I like him or I'm I just avoiding the truth?

I sat in my office just think about everything and how things can go down.

When my phone started to buzz like crazy!

"Hello?" No one answered I was about to hang up when I heard someone sob. I started to panic of what could have happened.

"Cesar is Luis." My brother? Why is he calling me he never does this. After I moved out when I was 22 my brother and I kinda drifted apart I still keep in touch with my parents I would call them once in a while but with work. And painting all the time I guess I haven't talked to them in a while too.

"It's mom..." and with that I knew something was absolutely wrong if he was calling me...

I started to think of the worst!

Is she dead?

Did she get in a car accident?

Did she kill her self?

Ever bad thought started to crawl in my head. After my sister Luna died 4 years ago my mom fell into deep depression. She couldn't eat nor get out of bed. There's always this one memory that triggers me each time I think about it.


"Mom im home!" I yell to let her to let her know I'm back.

Usually I would find her here in the kitchen getting supper ready while my dad was in the studio till 7.

It was odd not seeing her here but I didn't think much of it she probably decided to order take out.

I went to my room where I stayed there for about for 15 minutes. I decided to get out because i started to get hungry, by this time supper usually is ready?

I went down stairs and it's only 6:39.

I started to panic my heart raising and my breathing starts to pick up. I never felt this way. Discomfort started to build up I called my mom once again.

No answer

Called again

No answer again!

I ran upstairs checked her room

No one

I went to the bathroom

No one

I didn't bother to look in my brothers room because why would she be there.

I ran downstairs to check the bathroom there

No one

I went to the basement checked all the rooms

No one

My hand started to shake, my head started to throb I was terrified.

The last place she could be was in the attic she has to be there....

I walked down the stairs until I felt the string that turned on the light I walked a few steps more until I saw something hanging from the ceiling.


Ma- mama

I fell down to my knees tears started to run down my face and in a few seconds I was sobbing. My heart felt like it just dropped to my stomach. I felt dizzy like this was all in a dream that this was all a big nightmare that this was just..... but it was reality.

Once a got out of the stage I was I snapped back to reality I called 911.

"Hel-hello, I-I I need help my mo-mother ju-just hang-hanged her self.... PLEASE COME QUICK ...." I said with a thousand stutters I practically yelled to the woman on the other end. I felt bad but what do you think you would do if you found your mother hanging herself right in front of you.

When I realized that I didn't call my dad or brother I knew I had to...

"Papa.... Ma-mama just han-hanged herself..." you could only hear my sobs.

It took a second before my dad started to yell.

"Hija what do you mean your mama hanged her self??" What else do you fucking think you motherfuker she killed herself.... Or at least tried to.

"She tried to kill herself... I got home and she wasn't cooking I found that weird but went with it. I got hungry after 15 minutes and went downstairs no one was around... I called 2 times no answer... I panicked and ran all over the house until.... I went to the attic where I saw the most terrifying thing ever..... mama hanging there looking pale as ever... I called 911 and they will be here in any second." I could hear by papas sniffling. But I didn't dare to ask anything it was something extremely out of the ordinary... but she was grieving and I don't blame her...

Her daughter died less then I year ago...

911 came right as soon as I ended the call with my papa, I told my papa to tell Luis because I couldn't keep spreading the news with out fully breaking down... if I said it one more time I'm done for..

They took her to the hospital where they told us that I was lucky that I found her just in time because she would have died in minutes if I didn't. The thought of losing her hurt like I just been shot no even worse.

I was there 24/7 not even going to school so I could just be with my mom while she recovered. She went to therapy after she got out of the hospital and in my opinion that helped her a lot more the to just sit in bed and cry her self to sleep.

End of flashback—————————

• • •

Ok so I decided that I will try and give you guys one more chapter tomorrow but I don't know if I can I have to pack for my birthday weekend and celebrate my birthday with a few friends but I will try my best. Here is chapter 5, in here we go back on the past of Cesar so you guys can know a bit more about her. I just wanted to say thank you and unfortunately I will cut this series short with about 10 to 12 chapters because I want go write another book called 'I feel in love with my best friends brother' I'm hoping that the first chapter will be published in 2 weeks and this story is about the personal assistant and everything but more focused on the past of Cesar and Enzo you will have a POV of Enzos ever soon. Good night my loves <3

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