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"WHAT?!!" Theo, Scott and Peter screamed.

"Yes guys, Jen and I are dating. You are not allowed to tell this to anyone, Jen wants to keep it private initially." I explained to them.

"But how? Didn't she tell me that she is not up for dating?" Scott asked.

"Yeah, but when I went to Athens I kissed her. Though she didn't kiss me back then, I knew that kiss meant something to both of us. When I came back, I tried behaving normal as if the kiss didn't happen, but Jen asked me that if that kiss meant something to me? And I couldn't refuse. So here we are dating!"

"I'm happy you finally got a girlfriend, and a good one. Not some clingy slut." Scott smiled.

"Yeah, good for you buddy. Jenifer seems a nice girl." Peter nodded.

"I knew it this would be coming. I'm so happy for you man!" Theo hugged me.

"Thank you thank you guys. Would you like to have something?"

We were actually sitting at my office.

"Jenifer Martin special coffee." They all said in unison. I chuckled.

"Jen!! Theo, Scott, Peter and I want Jenifer Martin Special coffee." I said in the intercom.

"I will be on it." Jen said from the other side, I'm sure she had a big smile on her face.

Within 10 minutes, there was a knock on my cabin door. "Come on in!!"

Jenifer entered the cabin with a sweet smile on her face. She looked beautiful everyday. She is stunning. She was wearing white shirt and light pink pant. She have worn a nude sandals.

As she entered, my lips turned into a big smile, how can I not? She is just amazing. And we are dating. How can I not be happy about it?

"Good evening everyone." She said addressing my friends.

"Hey Jen, how are you?" Theo got up to hug her.

"I'm good. What about you?" She asked with a smile on her face. I guess she feels comfortable with Theo the most as she have met him much more than Scott and Peter.

"I'm feeling absolutely best as I got to know that you and this man Damian are dating."

"I know right. Jen you said no to me and yes to him? I guess I will just go to attain salvation in the  mountains." Scott showed fake hurt.

Jen laughed, "You are such a drama king Scott. I'm sure you are going to meet your love of the life pretty soon."

"Dream on Jen. Scott and love? Hah! Not happening." I laughed.

"Oh you shut up. You have got a super amazing girlfriend. Let me find mine now." Scott glared at me I know he is just kidding.

"I'm shocked too.  I mean last time we met you were just his assistant. And now his girlfriend." Peter said.


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