41. Just kiss already

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I straightened as I looked at myself in the mirror and brushed all the wrinkles out of the dress. The dark blue one that Rylan choose for me while we were in England. I'm glad that I thought about bringing something formal. Rylan's family wanted us to go to the bar the last evening together. Rylan told me that I didn't need to wear something fancy, but as I was in conversation with Maya and Lola, they were going to wear a dress, so I decided to join them. 

When I had decided that I looked alright, I found my way upstairs. Rylan is leaning onto the kitchen door with her back to me. My eyes have this thing of always needing to find her first. Everyone else seems not to matter when she is there.

I frowned at Lola, who made a whistling sound as she sat on the couch in a short black dress. Rylan turned to look at her, but as her eyes landed on me, they softened. Just like the first time she saw me like this. She swallowed painfully and then her lips parted as she breathed deeply. The only way I can describe how she's watching me is as if I was a goddess. 

I bite my lip as I crossed the living room to stand right in front of her and those blue eyes never left me. She blinked a couple of times as if she was battling something. I smiled as I looked all over her. She has switched out her cargo pants for jeans along with a dark shirt and thrown on a black leather jacket. I had to stop every bone in my body to not fall into the desire to start undressing her. Instead, I reached out to thug onto each edge of her leather jacket in place. 

"Just kiss already," Lola let out an annoyed sigh. Rylan glared at her with fury and I had to lay my hand over my mouth to hide my smile. 

"Lola," Shantelle's warning voice came from the kitchen behind Rylan.

"I'll go and check if everyone is ready," Lola excused herself and lept up the stairs. I sucked on my lower lip as I thought about Lola's comment. I wouldn't have minded a kiss from Rylan, but I know she wouldn't be comfortable with that around her family. Yet, I didn't let her off the hook that easily as I stood up on my toes to place a light kiss on her cheek. 


Rylan stopped the car as we arrived at the bar. We both exit and as Rylan came to my side, I snatched my arm around hers. She gazed down at me, but there was nothing on her face that told me she was in discomfort. I followed her lead as we walked through the snow until we reached the front door. I let go of her arm as she opened the door. An unfamiliar heat raised at the back of my neck as Rylan laid her hand on my back to lead me inside. 

When we entered, I nervously reached out for her hand to grab. I don't know where that nervousness came from, if it's the crowded bar or the fact that her entire family came after us.

As Rylan tugged me after her, I noticed a few pool tables in the corner and the bar is filled up to the rim with people shouting at the top of their lungs. The smell of beer lingers strongly in the air as if someone had accidentally spilled it all over the floor. 

Everyone sat down around a huge table that was space enough for all of us. Unfortunately, Matt couldn't come along as someone had to watch over the kids. Yet, I believe it's mostly the reason for him staying home and not anyone else is because of his past addiction. 

Even though we all had sat down, I didn't let go of Rylan's warm hand as it brought a sense of comfort for me. Finally, a waitress comes to the table and we all took our orders. Everyone ordered a burger and fries with a drink on the side. Yet, Rylan stuck to water. I don't know for sure if she doesn't drink alcohol or still considers herself to be my security guard. It's hard to find the difference sometimes. 

Throughout the evening, it was filled with conversations and laughter about their childhood. However, I noticed that Lola and Shantelle were the ones who talked the most. In addition, Maya, Eddie and Chris would sometimes jump into the chat to add their versions. As the youngest, Lola was the troublemaker in the gang. She would fill sand into her sibling's shoes, so they got late for the bus to school.  

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