Chapter 14...

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Picture on side is of Ashton and what he is wearing to the meeting. ————> 

Dedicated to Princessshadow for always reading, and voting for this book! Plus she helped me realize I mixed up a few chapter :) 

Please read Authors note at end! :)

Happy Reading and Happy late Valentine's Day <3

I walked through Ashton's office and nudged the door shut with my hip. Glancing around I tried not to gasp at how nice his office looked. The walls were a dark blue with a black leather couch on one side. He had 2 huge windows that over looked downtown New York. Everything about it screamed Ashton to me. 

"Good morning." I said breaking the silence. His carpet muffled the clicks of my heels as I walked to his desk. Setting his cup down in front of him I looked at the two nice chairs that sat in front of his desk. Not knowing it if was okay to sit I slowly sat on the edge of one of them. 

"Good morning." His deep voice answered back. He looked up and saw the cup I had sat down and a small smile graced his lips. "Coffee?" 

"Uh yes. I didn't know what you liked so I just got just a regular coffee." I answered feeling my cheeks tinting with pink. 

"Well thank you." He said taking a sip of it. I mimicked him and sat there silently waiting for him to tell me what I'll be doing. 

"Okay since you are now my new assistant I have a lot for you to do. Here." He handed over what looked like a phone to me. I looked down at it and saw it was the new IPhone. I gingerly held it not knowing what to do with such a nice phone. I mean I didn't have a stupid phone but mine was an old IPhone 4 that I got years ago. 'On there is all my appointments, clients numbers, and my entire schedule. I advise you don't lose that like you did your real phone or we both will be in a lot of trouble." I bowed my head in embarrassment, but still nodded. 

"The job isn't to hard but it will take a little bit to get use to. I expect everything to be done when its suppose to. When I have meetings I also expect you to be there to take notes than later you will review them with me. Some nights we still stay later than others." The way Ashton was talking to me I knew he was in business mode. "I want to let you know right now that I don't tolerate laziness, ignorance, or incompetence. My employees know what they are doing and make sure it get it done fast and right. Now" He stood up and made his way around his big desk. He stood in front of me making me look up. "Layla I do not mean to be rude to you but this is my company and I will do anything for it to succeed; I need you to see that." 

I nodded at him understanding. I knew this was his business or I guess family business. I shouldn't expect any special treatment and I won't take any if he gives it to me. I do not want to be known around the office as the girl who has probably slept with the boss and got the job that way. 

"I definitely understand Ash- I mean Mr. Miller, sir." I said.

"Good. I have a meeting at 8:00, so meet me in conference room 201 and be early. I don't want my assistant to show up late." Ashton said. With that he nodded at me and went back to his seat. Taking that as my que to leave I got up and left his office shutting the door behind me. 

"Ms. Kingston you can follow me to your new office." Judy said leading me just a few feet away. She came to a stop in front of a pretty big office with glass walls. "This is yours." I walked through the door and almost whistled. It looked amazing. I have never had an office before and it looked like it was straight out of a magazine or tv show. I big mahogany desk sat straight ahead with a high tech Mac computer. On one side of the office was a dark blue couch that looked really comfortable and a couple of chairs almost like Ashton's. 

Something Inside  (Published)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant