Episode 46: yesterday's tomorrow

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"The moment i knew i was alive was the moment i could feel my heart burst out of my chest. The moment i realized i loved her was the moment that made me regret everything that we've been through together... but not really together. I lost her and now i want to make it up to her."

From a very short distance they could see a shadow figure of a man walking towards them. Scared to look up, but feeling like he had to; Ricky looked at the shadow figure coming closer.

It was doctor Worthly.

He walked towards him and Anne. He seemed different. There was something about the way he walked to them. They could see a tiny sparkle in his eyes. Not even a second later he started smiling.

Ricky and Anne both felt confused about the way the doctor approached them.

"You can come with us." Something Ricky hoped to hear. A couple of words put together that would make everything slightly better.

Anne jumped up. "What do you mean?" She asked, wondering what doctor Worthly meant.

"It has been a long journey for you and Ms. Juergens. We usually don't do this when a baby is at risk or in this specific circumstance; mother and child. But i personally think you should be there when the baby is born!" Doctor Worthly said.

"I can?" He asked. "I mean... should i be there?"
Ricky looked at Anne.
She smiled at him, validating that he should be there.

Ricky felt uncertain because there were so many things unsaid between him and Amy. He didn't know if this was the right thing to do. He didn't feel like he deserved to be around Amy and his baby even. He felt like he screwed up in some way.

"Amy would want you there, Ricky!" Anne said.

"How do you know?"
He sighed.
"We haven't even discussed this."

"It was because so much was going on between the two of you. So much drama. So much pain." She looked down. "Make it up to her by being with her. This is your chance Ricky. Don't miss the birth of your child! Cause you missed it with John."

Ricky looked at Doctor Worthly who was waiting for him to move or do, or say something. He was uncertain to do this. To be there for Amy and his child. He wasn't used to this anymore. All of this was happening too fast.

But he nodded.


When he walked into the room where Amy laid in for almost 48 hours he couldn't believe the reality that was forcing itself on him.

When he walked in, they immediately handed him some gloves, a surgical cap, a mask and a surgeon gown. He found himself looking ridiculous but he had no choice but to wear the protective clothing.

He walked to the bed where some surgeons started preparing unfamilar looking things, with unfamiliar devices for the baby to be born.

For almost two days he thought she was already giving birth. That it just took so long. But she wasn't. They were stabilizing her body all along, for this moment right here.
Making her body ready to give birth. Putting the baby in the right position to make her enter into this world at the right moment... the right time.

"That's what they told me anyway."

It was going to be the first time he would see a child being born. But most specifically, his child.
He didn't had this with John. Because he and Amy were not on the same level when they had their first baby.
So much has changed in so little time.
In all honesty; he became a better person because of her. He took responsibility because of his son. And now he would be the one to protect his little girl against everything and everyone in the whole wide world.

"Are you ready?" Doctor Worthly asked.

Ricky nodded.

"We'll be starting by inducing labor. We all know that this baby is not going to be born full term. But that is okay. First things first. She'll be okay."

Ricky looked down.
He took a deep breath and looked at Amy.
The girl he fell for. Took his distance from. And fell for again.
She laid there not knowing that she was in the middle of having a baby. Not knowing that he was right there with her.

He took her hand and looked at their together melted hands for a couple of seconds until he let go of her.

And then he wispered into her ear "I'm right here and this time i'm not going anywhere. I love you. I do love you. And i'm so sorry, Amy. So sorry."


When the night was full of terrors
And your eyes were filled with tears
When you had not touched me yet
Oh, take me back to the night we met

- The Night We Met
by Lord Huron

The Secret Life Of The American Teenager [SEASON 6] Together ForeverTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang