10: Chocolate Chip Cookies

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Chapter 10: Chocolate Chip Cookies

It was my second batch of chocolate chip cookies and still they didn't taste the like the ones I made two nights ago.

Maybe I should add some more chocolate chips. Chocolate makes everything better.

My mom loved baking. I still remember how I used to help her bake gingerbread cookies during Christmas. I came back from school to almost always find a iced cake on the kitchen counter. My mom used to say that you don't need any occasion to enjoy a slice of cake. So that's where I inherited my baking skills from. More often baking lets me cherish those memories I made with my mom.

"You added vanilla extracts instead of vanilla essence last time".

I jumped slightly , turning around to see Casper munching one of my cookies. Today he was dressed in jeans and a wife beater only. How does he change his outfit?

"What the hell are you doing here?" I questioned curtly. The wife beater clung to his body like a second skin, his abs visible under it. Is that a six pack?

"Like what you see tomato-head?" he asked ignoring my question as he let out a small chuckle. I tore my eyes away from his torso and stared at him with a grim expression on my face and internally rolling my eyes.

"I have a name Casper boy", I exclaimed clearly offended by the nickname he gave me.

"Then stop calling me that?"

"What? Casper", I stretched the word 'Casper" to annoy him.

He rolled his eyes clearly irritated by his new nickname. So I got back to making my third batch of cookies and this time adding vanilla extracts instead of vanilla essence.

"Can you see other ghosts?" he asked taking a bite from his 7th cookie. Or is it 8th? I lost count.


"Can you see other ghosts?" he reiterated himself.

"I don't feel like answering your questions" , I answered getting back to work.

"I am serious here" he cried out. "Answer it!"

"No I can't okay? This is the first time. Believe me if there is an option to un-see you, I would have chosen it happily", I grumbled.

"The feeling is mutual strawberry", he retorted giving me a sarcastic smirk. Great, I have a new nickname. "But how can you see me? You can't be that", he said more to himself than me, running a hand across his disheveled hair distractedly.

Before I could say anything, I was interrupted by the door bell. Audrey is here!

"Aud is here and I don't want a delinquent ghost haunting the house! So get your ass out of here!"I ordered.

"Calm down. I am a ghost remember? No one can see me except for you unfortunately", he said with a bored expression on his face.

He was right. Aud won't be able to see him. But I still had my doubts.

"Just don't create any kind of trouble okay? Stay out of three feet radius away from my sister or else I will have to castrate.", I threatened him giving him a sarcastic smile. With that I headed for the door.

"Too bad strawberry. I am already dead"

Ignoring his exasperating comments I opened the door to see Audrey standing and grinning from ear to ear. She looked a bit tanned. Her shoulder length auburn hair was in a braid.

"Gracieee I missed you so much" she squealed while I kneeled down to embrace her in a bear hug. I missed my baby sister so much! Even her annoying nickname for me.

"Promise me you won't send me to a nut camp", she said pouting after breaking off the hug.

"You mean math camp", I chuckled correcting her.

I was too busy welcoming Audrey that I forgot Gary was behind her. He was casually running his hand over his unkempt hair. He was wearing chinos and a grey cashmere sweater.

"Hey thanks for dropping her off", I said standing up as Audrey rushed inside the house behind me.

"No problem", he said giving me a small smile.

"Why don't you come inside? I baked cookies".

"The offer sounds tempting but Jeremy is home alone and I need to go home asap".

"Okay wait". With that I walked to the kitchen to pack up some cookies.

"There you go", I said handing him a parcel. "These are for you guys".

He thanked me, gingerly taking the brown bag from me.

"I will see you around then", he said running his free hand across his hair.

I nodded with a smile and closed the door behind me.

"He totally has the hots for you!" I looked around letting out a small shriek and jumping for the second time today.

"Can't you just not appear out of nowhere?" I clutched my poor heart as I said it.

"Then what's the fun in being a ghost without apparating?" he asked arching an eyebrow at me.

Before I could continue, I was interrupted by Aud.

"Hey Graciee. Who is he?" a curious look was plastered on her face and her brown eyes were pinned on ghost boy.

Uh Oh.


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