5. Surviving the wild

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Sean woke up still sleepy and very early in the morning, he had the worst sleep of his life yet.

He still got up and walked back to the wolf corpse, he started thinking of all that happened yesterday.

He first had to figure out what to do with the corpse, he inspected the claws and, while they were very strong and sharp, they were easy to remove from the body, so he took them as tools and for defense.

Looking around, he saw bushes with red and orange sphere fruit like things, he took one and opened it with the claw, it looked safe enough enough, but after almost tasting it, he noticed an immense amount of heat coming from it, at the place where he cut it.

It was so hot that when the wolfs meat sizzled when he tried putting it against it, but for now, fire wouldnt be a problem at least.

Sean continued looking for something to eat along the wolf meat, which he could cook now.

Eventually he found some growing leaves, which after moving around, found that they had what looked to be potatoes, only similar in shape and colour though, as they were softer and a bit sweet.

He ate and rested while thinking of the whole situation, mainly on the place where he was caged, because sure, those aliens did capture him and looked terrifying, but they hadn't hurt him yet.

But still, he wasn't going to go back to those things for as long as possible, especially not the tall ones.

After that he tried thinking of the lower gravity of the planet, remembering that now, he had to exercize with quite a lot of weight, or else his bones and muscles would deteriorate.

So, trying to get his mind off the aliens, he looked for things to use as weight.

3 weeks later

Sean had built a pretty good place to live, he moved his sleeping place under a tree, he dug below it and made a hidden underground place that he was pretty proud of.

For food, he made traps to catch small aliens, mostly some rat like things he found all over the place, they had very long whiskers and had only two limbs, but other than that, they looked like rats.
He twisted the whiskers to make ropes for the traps.

For water, he used the hot fruits to boil water, which he held inside a carved tree trunk.

For exercize, he simply collected a bunch of wood and held it while doing various exercisez, he had the craziest definition he had had in his life, unfortunately, this meant he was malnourished.

For weapons, he used the claws and fangs from the wolf, but as tools, he used bones from the critters.

However, he found that almost every animal there, even the big ones, were surprisingly weak, as well as their bones, still dangerous, but beatable with bare hands.

He had a routine, which he followed strictly, until one day as he woke up, he saw snow for the first time in his life.

He was amazed by it, feeling the cold sensation and admiring the flakes.

Until he realized that it was winter, and he was going to starve or die from the cold if he didn't build things specifically to get ready for it.

So he started working, collecting the hides from animals he had caught and using them to make covers for his hideout, as well as saving some of them to make clothes, which he sewed with a sharpened bone from a critter, along with more whiskers as string.

He managed to prepare for the cold well enough, but the food was still going to be a problem, but as he was trying to figure out that problem, he heard footsteps.

He turned around at breakneck speed, seeing two, fat aliens, the short 4 meter kind, they had the weapons he saw before.

Sean and the shorties stared at eachother for a while, until one of them slowly moved their weapon closer to Sean, before a flash of light came up.

They shot at him, Sean ran away, they missed again, and again, mainly because Sean became familiar with the forest, using the trees and bushes to escape.

He managed to escape the aliens, the hunters, he managed to find them for afar and followed them to see what they were doing.

He saw them blowing on whistles, making awful noises, after which, they hid badly behind bushes, animals came up after that, and were promptly shot at and killed.

The hunters weren't very good, but no one can do much against a gun, however, the hunters would later take back what they killed somewhere else.

They were starving Sean.

Captured by aliens (It was his own fault)Where stories live. Discover now