0.1 A Kingdom In The Past

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To the girl who has always been a sister and a friend more than a reader. May I always have you in my life. Thank you for making this request. I hope I've done it justice.

PS: your card is attached above.


There are worlds beyond the stars too
And many more trials in love still to go through.

- Muhammad Iqbal

Halah bint Al Malik

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Halah bint Al Malik

The first time she sees him is in the palace of Baghdad. Sharp brows draw above his eyes into a frown-- eyes that are wildering but assertive. And lips that are pressed into a line. Well built, like most trained men around, long hair tied back and a short beard lining his jaw. She finds him a fairly attractive man at that very first glance. Handsome indeed.

The first time Halah sees him is enough for him to catch her attention. She is curious about the new man at the palace. But not so much where she would inquire anyone about him. Though her curiosity keeps burning more every time she comes across him. Until one day when she's with her brother in the courtroom and the man is called in. That is when their gazes meet, though only briefly before he lowers his, the frown no more pulling his features taut.

"My sister," Khalid introduces her, "Halah bint Al Malik."

"My Amira."

He tips his head at her in greeting and she returns the gesture.

The caliph then motions towards the man. "This is the governor of Qahira, Marwan Al Kurdiya."

That is a name she may never forget like that face, she thinks, even if she never crosses paths with him again.

"Welcome to the palace, Ameer Marwan," she says.

"Thank you. A pleasure to be here."

Those eyes flick up again-- eyes with a night sky in them, starless, dark, but bewitching. And when has anything bedazzling ever been simple? He doesn't seem so either.

One would wonder what does it take for one to fall in love? How many days? How many glances or smiles? One might never know.

How many moons set in his eyes and how many suns rose to illuminate them, she doesn't feel a need to keep count. Or maybe it is not love but she's fascinated-- charmed by this man the more encounters she has with him over the course of his stay at the palace.

"Do you like it here, Ameer Marwan?" she asks him one afternoon as they walk through the garden.

"I do, Amira. The palace is beautiful, and Ameer Khalid has hosted me honorably."

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