1931 - 1940

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1931. Don’t over-expose yourself, people always want to explore the unexplored,l.

1932. Fear of loss plays on the mind of most of us . Playing it safe in life means that you’re playing it boring, won’t have the balls to take necessary calculated risks , & may lack neediness.

1933. Worries come in the nature of most human being. Worrying doesn’t help heal & every one you know including yourself will be dead anyways in the end .

1934. One of the biggest success killers I’m not good enough.

1935. Most of us tend to feel bad in response to a negative behaviour. Don’t reward bad behaviour with your attention, giving of ego -validation & displays of emotions.

1936. We fear rejection, crave affection & dream of perfection, so natural of a human being thought process.

1937. While missing someone, our emotions are more likely to go from happiness to sadness instantly.

1938. You’ll never truly understand something until it actually happens to you.

1939. When two people really care about each other, they’ll always look for a way to make it way, no matter how hard it is.

1940. People who’re angry with each other for the silly little things , are usually the ones who care about each other the most.

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