~11: Where She Tells Him About Her Past~

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Where She Tells Him About Her Past


I watched in shock as Archer stormed inside with an unreadable look in his eyes. He almost looked like he was angry.

Thankfully there hadn't been anyone in the restroom besides me.

He held up his phone in front of me, "Why did you text me this?" His tone wasn't accusing but laced with concern.

I could feel my cheeks heat in embarrassment. I trained my eyes on the floor. "How did you know I hadn't left?" I lifted my eyes to meet his questioningly.

His face was solemn when he spoke. "You looked upset when you left, so I followed  you." He swallowed and shoved his hands in his pockets, suddenly looking vulnerable. "I was waiting for you in the hallway a couple of feet away from the bathroom, so imagine my surprise when I got a text saying that you'd left the party when I hadn't even seen you leave the bathroom. And when I called you I heard your phone ringing from inside so it wasn't that hard to figure out."

"I-" The words died down in my throat.

What was I supposed to say to him?

How could I explain?

"Come on." Archer suddenly held out his hand for me to take.

I gave him a questioning look.

"I know somewhere private we can go and talk." He murmured.

"Okay." I found myself nodding.

I didn't miss the look of relief that crossed his face as soon as I took his hand.


"The roof?" I questioned.

I gave him a look saying, "Are you really that cliche?"

He just grinned and shrugged his shoulders nonchalantly.

"Whenever I want to escape my parent's weekly dinners at the club or these fancy parties. I come here." He said softly. His back was to me, he was leaning forward with his elbows on the concrete balustrade looking at the scenery down below. "It's always quiet here, peaceful."

I sunk to the floor with my back against the wall. My tulle skirt billowed around me, making it seem like I was sitting on a pink cloud. I tilted my head up to look at the night sky, there were no stars, and a half-moon peeked at us from behind the clouds.

For a moment neither of us said anything.

"My mother went into the bathroom with my aunt after you, she didn't notice me standing in the hallway then. When she came out and saw me she looked guilty. Did she say something to you?" Archer asked.

My heart rate spiked, and I could feel my hands shaking.

"She didn't say anything to me," I told him.

It wasn't exactly a lie.

She had said things about me.

She hadn't said anything to me.

"You're lying to me, aren't you?" He said finally, he still hadn't turned to look at me. "Something happened in the bathroom that made you send me that text."

I could feel my shoulders slump a little. "She didn't say anything to me, Archer, I promise. She was talking to your aunt, she didn't even know I was standing in the stall behind her." I took a shaky breath. "I don't think she said was she said to be cruel. I think she was just concerned about you, she's your mother after all. I can't really blame her."

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