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The tangle of the forest in his hair,
The silence of the woodland in his eyes,

Oscar Wilde


He splashes the water on his face and then cups his hands as the servant pours him more from the pot, splashing his face again with it. He wipes his face with a cloth before handing it back to the boy, dismissing him with a wave of his hand.

"What upsets you?"

He looks at his friend who's standing at the door of the house. He stands up from where he's crouching on the ground and goes to undo the reins of his horse, adjusting its saddle.

"I don't know," he replies to him. "Maybe this desire for more upsets me. I cannot be happy."

"Or maybe it's the desire to be loved."

He smiles sardonically at his words and looks away. Every break of dawn puts the shackles at his feet. Every night that falls returns him his freedom. The constant pretense through the long years of ruling have tired him. He knows sooner or later, he'll have to give up on what doesn't rightfully belong to him.

"I see why I'm still restless. Because my desire cannot be met."


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The sun is shining feebly. The rain is no more falling. The day is rather cooler than the scorching heat of reality sizzling her life. Maybe it'll forever be that way-- the sky will be gentler than the earth to her.

Noura looks at Saleh, princess Maysoon's guard, who stands at her service, waiting for her command for him. Like before, Maysoon has proven to be a helpful companion, covering up for her and dismissing Eskander's guards so Noura can carry out whatever plans she has without anyone knowing.

The princess didn't ask her any questions, already knowing why she needs to go to the bazar when Noura mentions it. She had already told her in their previous conversation, but Maysoon doesn't bring up this friend of hers she's meeting, respecting her privacy.

"Saleh," Noura addresses the guard. "I'll be back in a while. Wait for me at the stand."

He tips his head. "As you please, sayidati. But please be watchful. The situation at the kingdom these days is not pleasant. I've received orders from the amira to take you back safely to the palace on time."

"Don't worry, I'll be careful and return shortly."

He takes the reins of both of their horses and walks away. She strides down the other direction deeper into the bazar where she knows she will find him. Noura pulls the hood of her cloak over her head to keep her face covered.

Like always, the crowd is thick and loud. She dodges bodies from bumping into her and makes her way to the the edge of the market where people are thin and he has asked to meet her. The note from the morning is clutched tightly in her fist. There are questions in her head, and this time he must answer them.

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