
          	as of today, Mind and Matter is fully back on Wattpad! while I have edited the book, I haven't really rewritten it; it's very much the same story from 2017. you will notice a couple expanded scenes, however, and Chapter 40 is entirely new ;) 
          	since a lot of you have read more than one of my books, I wanted to announce here that while Mind and Matter is back, Always There will NOT be returning to Wattpad. I've avoided questions about this book or given wishy-washy answers for the longest time, but I believe this is the best decision for that book. 
          	hope you enjoy M&M! if you're a rereader or a first-time reader, let me know what you think!


@ginawriter I wasn't able to find the book on Wattpad for so long only to find out it just got reuploaded almost got me in tears! Thank you so much for saving my teenage years<3


ilysm THANK YOU no one gets mind and matter like I do


Hi! I've read your book "Boot Camp" and i absolutely love it, the story is AMAZING! That's why, I'm asking, can I translate it to Polish? I'll add an information, that it's your book and I'm just translating it.  Ofc I'll understand, if you don't give me a permission to translate, but I think, that many Polish readers will enjoy your story :)


          as of today, Mind and Matter is fully back on Wattpad! while I have edited the book, I haven't really rewritten it; it's very much the same story from 2017. you will notice a couple expanded scenes, however, and Chapter 40 is entirely new ;) 
          since a lot of you have read more than one of my books, I wanted to announce here that while Mind and Matter is back, Always There will NOT be returning to Wattpad. I've avoided questions about this book or given wishy-washy answers for the longest time, but I believe this is the best decision for that book. 
          hope you enjoy M&M! if you're a rereader or a first-time reader, let me know what you think!


@ginawriter I wasn't able to find the book on Wattpad for so long only to find out it just got reuploaded almost got me in tears! Thank you so much for saving my teenage years<3


ilysm THANK YOU no one gets mind and matter like I do


surprise! the rest of this book is coming in the next month:


@ginawriter so excited for this book, thanks.


I’ve been waiting for this, thank you! <3


@ginawriter thanks for bringing it back! One of my fav books here on wattpad


fun little news! Mind and Matter is coming back to Wattpad in full very soon (: keep your eyes out for when it drops again ✨✨


@ginawriter I thought my Wattpad was acting up again when I wasn't able to open the book but then realised that you have removed it jsksks. I JUT WANNA SAY THAT THE LASTEST COVER IS SOOOOOOOOOOO CUTEEEEEEEEEEEE. ❤️


Hi, I just finished your second book and probably one of my favorites. Do you have more coming because I'm stalling on reading the third book?
          Also I love the way you write its beautiful and you can feel what the characters do and it hooks you. 


@Unknown3979 thank you very much! I have another book (a summer romance) on the Radish app called “Keep at Bay” but at the moment no others besides Boot Camp, Other Side and Hidden Truths on Wattpad. that might change at some point, I’m not really sure though!


Hi Gina! I can't find your book where the main characters were Sam and Ben? I can't remember the name of the book and can't find it anywhere? It would be great if you can tell me where I can find it. 
          I am here to re-read it!


@vidkos hi! I took it down to rewrite it but am not sure at the moment what I’m going to do with the book. stay tuned! (: