          	Chapter 20 of SMWF is up and ready for your perusal! 
          	Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend! 
          	Ash x


Permission to plug in! 
          Hello dear, sorry if this messages is disturbing you but i just want to introduce my ongoing story, i truly appreciated if you don't mind checking and read it. Hopefully you give me support. 


          A bit late, but chapter 16 of Something Worth Fighting For is up. Sorry for the delay! The next chapter will be uploaded by the weekend :) to make up for the wait!

          Also, the past couple of weeks, the wonderful @CelestiaCove included me in an interview you can find here:
          Give it a read and a bit of support- maybe you'll find some other authors to enjoy, too! 
          Take care and much loves, 
          Ash xxx


excuse me but why is no one obsessing over jason blackwood here???? 
          ash, you have my heart! it has been so long since i read a good book with a proper storyline and amazing grammar/english, truly 'with love' is a masterpiece!
          i have no idea how i wld get over jason he was just sooo sooo... damn. I'm just glad I got another book boyfriend(or husband in this case) to raise my standards, thanks to you
          all the love


@Ashful eeekkss thank you sm ilyy!!And ofc jason is popular and adored. He deserves to be.Anyways gotta go and force my friend now(she had exams until today) to read your books so that I can rant to her haha. And thanks for the recs, I'll check them out too.
            ps. you are such a pookie!

          Chapter 14 is updated of Something Worth Fighting For!
          Sorry to those of you who were waiting for an update. I have had family visiting me, so I honestly didn't have any time to write, publish or even hop on to Wattpad to check a thing! Apologies to those who commented or left me messages, I'll try to get to them! Thank you for your ongoing support!
          Much love,
          Ash x