Chapter 33

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Several feet away from me stood a tall man with a beer belly rounding the front of his snug shirt and sleeked blondish-gray hair.

Alpha Wayne.

I blinked a couple of times; sure that my vision was playing a trick on me. After all, how could a wanted werewolf get inside the werewolf castle without anyone knowing?

The sleazy Alpha, however, was still here and he even began crossing the distance between us. "I was right. Hanim is keeping a human as his play thing." His eyes raked across my body. "Not that you're not attractive, sweetheart."

For a second I didn't understand what he was talking about. Then it finally clicked. He still thought I was a human. Not only that, he also had no idea I was Theo's mate.

"Silver Moon never tried to hide their hatred for humans, so how come they haven't yet chased you out?" He cocked his head to the side.

I mimicked his move, which caused my shirt to slip further down my shoulder and reveal the base of my neck. The spot where I carried Theo's mark.

The instant his eyes landed on the image of the wolf and the moon, the sod froze. His jaw sank, and he stared at me as if I'd just reveal to him that I was the High Priestess. "You're... You... The mark." His eyes flickered from my face to my neck and then back again. "You're his mate? You're the Luna Queen? A human?"

I blinked again, not believing this was the werewolf who supposedly organized the attack on the werewolf castle and even got Kasey to work for him.

He continued to stare at me for another moment and then burst out into a loud belly-shaking laugh. The dumbass actually laughed, ignoring the fact that he was inside the werewolf castle. The one place crawling with werewolves who possessed an enhanced hearing ability.

"This is a sign from the Moon Goddess herself."

Without a shadow of doubt I concluded that there was no way he had executed the attack on his own. Or that he got inside the castle on his own. This was the only reason why I didn't mind-link Theo right then and there. Before pulling him in, I wanted to first know who else was helping him.

"A weak human as the Luna Queen? This is the Moon Goddess screaming at me that I should be the Alpha King and not him."

"And you're so sure your mate isn't a human?" It would be the high of irony if his mate turned out to be an actual human.

"My mate is a strong she-wolf," he barked out.

"I really pity the woman who's stuck with you." Then again since werewolf mates were supposed to complete each other, I could already imagine what kind of woman his mate was.

"You're a chatty one, aren't you? While Hanim might treat you nice, I'm not the same. I don't take lightly to others talking about my mate."

I shook my head at him. "Apparently you're never going to get it on your own, so I might as well tell you. I'm not a human."

"Of course, you are." Despite his words, he took a deep sniff. For a second nothing happened and then his pupils dilated into wide orbs. "A witch!" he gasped. "You're a witch."

"There we go." I raised my hands and clapped a few times.

"How is this possible? Weren't you the reason Hanim forced us to keep our true nature hidden during our stay?"

"It's a long story." I wasn't going to explain our shaky start to someone like him.

"Wait." He raised his hand. "Are you then the witch she's looking for?"

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