30|i know i have a heart

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The announcement for prom queen and prom king would be happening shortly which meant that Aria had to find herself on stage shortly. Across the room she finally spotted Julie and Maya sitting at a table and laughing at something Jack was saying, she wished she knew what was said. Her past and her future were in this room and she was facing both, it was strange. Aria looked for Bobby once again and saw him still propped up against the wall looking distressed. When she had seen him before she had been angry with him, felt disgust toward him, but seeing him now made her pity him. For what ever reason he had participated it was clear that it was affecting him greater than she had assumed and in a few moments they were about to crush him. Oddly enough she hoped he could take it and better himself, because Bobby Townsend could have a change at redemption.

"All contestants to the back of the stage please!" A voice called out in the microphone.

Aria took a deep breath and started moving toward the stage, noticing Rebecca doing the same. Her heart was violent inside her chest and it pained her with each step but Aria wasn't going to stop. By the drink table Brody was spotted laughing loudly, being completely oblivious to what was going to happen shortly. It was motivation enough to see him enjoying his life like there was no tomorrow - a stark difference to how Bobby was looking. Soon they were all lined up to take the stage and having Rebecca standing in front of her should have made her nervous but it only calmed her now, even if she knew she'd lose.

The applause that could be heard meant that their principal was on the stage and shortly they'd be joining her. 

"It's my honor to present you with this years contestants for prom queen and prom king!" The principal said.

Rebecca began moving and Aria began moving despite being blinded by the spotlight Aria followed. She was surprised her lips curled upwards in a smile considering there were only three people in this room that knew what was going to happen shortly, but Aria did her best to keep her poker face intact. Briefly she glanced at Rebecca who gave her best performance yet with a bright smile with a hint of a smirk in there. The envelope that the principal was holding was a tacky gold one with glitter sprinkled all over it and it was raining down for each movement made. Aria kept her eyes trained on it knowing that the second it was opened and Rebecca's name was read out they would be joined on stage by Jane.

"With no further delays I'm going to start by announcing this years prom king," the principal said and tore the envelope open causing Aria to breath out a shaky breath, "congratulations to Travis Chadwick!" The crows erupted in applause when Travis loudly displayed his joy over winning.

The plastic crown was put on his head and with chanting fists he celebrated along with his friends who rushed the stage for a few seconds. Rebecca took the opportunity to glance at Aria and give her a subtle nod to inform her that it was her turn to grab the attention. Aria wanted to tell her so many things in this moment; she needed her to know how strong she was and how brave she had been since the moment she'd revealed her painful secret and how much Aria admired her for those qualities - but since words couldn't be spoken she resorted to giving her a half-smile. 

Once again the glitter rained down from the envelope as the next card was being brought out, "If the boys could settle down please," the principal ordered, "and for the awaited prom queen winner; it is our currently reigning queen Rebecca George!" 

Aria closed her eyes for a second to gather herself and quickly reminded herself that she could do this, thinking back to the battered woman at the police station she knew she needed to do it for her too. Rebecca stepped forward with the limelight all on her and that award winning smile lit up the room - this was it. 

The microphone was placed in Rebecca's hand per her request and she began speaking, "Thank you so much to everyone that voted for me, this is a night I'll never forget. Since this is my last year I wanted to make sure to leave my mark on this school and I'll be doing it accompanied by the this years runner up Aria Willows and last years runner up Jane Nolan." 

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