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9:34 AM

My sob-fest lasts for a good fifteen minutes before I gather myself enough to function like a normal person. Xavier doesn't say another word. He holds me. When I have no tears left to cry, I pull out of his arms, sniffling. My eyes are puffy, and waterlogged so I wipe at them again with the back of my hand. "Sorry."

Xavier puts his hand on my shoulder. "You have nothing to be sorry for Mouse, I'm the one who should be apologizing. I gave you the cupcake."

"This is so messed up."

"It's messed up for sure but you'll figure it out. We'll figure it out."

"Do you think she's lying?"

He shrugs. "I dunno what to think. All I know is you haven't been yourself since I gave you that stupid cupcake and buddy showed up. Something about this doesn't sit right with me."

"He's not dangerous, Xavier. I promise."

"Right because you know him so well. Look, I'll support you Lola, but if you're going to humor this shit, you need to be careful. You don't know this guy. I don't know the guy and people aren't always who they seem. It's not like mental patients walk around with a sign around their neck advertising their lack of normalcy." X would know. He's studying to be a psychologist. He'll make a great shrink one day, he's had a lot of practice listening to my problems.

Do I tell him that I was at Jackson's house?

No. Bad idea. Too much. Too soon.

"Can you drop me off at the dorm?"

"That depends. Are you going to be okay?"

"I'll be fine."


I hold my hand up in a pledge. "I swear."

"You still have that pepper spray I bought you?"

"Yes, dad, I do."

"Stop being smart with me Lola, I'm serious. You have two options, the pepper spray or your personal security guard Xavier."

"I have the spray," I say rolling my eyes, "but he wouldn't hurt a fly. I know it."

"Fine," X says, "but you're checking in with me every hour. If I don't hear from you at least once every sixty minutes you're not gonna like what happens."

"Oh my God."

"God can't help you as fast as I can. Promise me."

"I will take the damned pepper spray and text or call you at least once every hour."

"Good," he says. "Makes it easier to support your questionable choices."

After several more minutes of negotiations for my safety, Xavier delivers me back to my dorm. "Every sixty minutes, understand?"

"Got it Captain Cockblock." He shakes his head and turns to leave but I stop him. "Hey, Captain?"


"Thanks for letting me cry."

He smiles a little. "You're the only girl who has an open invitation any time to soak me with snot and tears."

I don't deserve him.


"Yeah, Mouse?"

"Love you to the moon and back."

He steps forward, kisses my forehead and whispers. "Me too. Don't let this guy hurt you, Lo. I'll be forced to kill him."

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