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Chapter 5: Fourteenth

Some twenty minutes later after breakfast and a quarter of notebook's, Neah and Mana were already sprawled on the couch in the living room while Allen was playing cards with Cross on the floor across from the couch the twins were on with the notebook laid open on Neah's lap.

"We're done reading the first part…I think…" said Mana, who had his head rested on the back of the couch with his twin brother, Neah, whose left arm covered his face tiredly.

"Are you two sure this is a journal of Lord Walker?" asked Neah. "'Cause I doubt it is with those 'thy', 'thou', 'begot', 'hath', 'art thou', and etc. those word are only found in bible, you know." He complained.

"I think it's more of a bible than a journal." Murmured Mana.

With a sigh, Allen dropped his cards, showing full house much to Cross' displeasure, and rose from the floor. He then turned to them and asked, "What did you understand, so far?"

"Cain committed murder because of jealousy he had towards his brother, Abel." Chorused the twins.

Allen nodded. "That's right. Though it's an obvious case. What else?"

While the twins rocked their brains for an answer, Cross in the other hand fixed the cards and tucked it back in his back pocket before joining Allen.

"Well…" Mana, who was in a proper sitting position, paused. "Even though Adam and Eve were said as sinners, they remained faithful to the LORD and did as the LORD told them to do; 'be fruitful and multiply'."

Once again, Allen nodded. "That was God's first commission and Adam and Eve obeyed it."

Rising from his seat, Neah stretched his sore limbs whilst asking, "Why God did placed that 'tree' in the Garden of Paradise, anyway? If it wasn't for it then they wouldn't be banish and cursed."

"That's a good questions." Said Cross. "First of all, God did not curse them but the serpent that tempted Eve to eat the fruit. Then God banished them as a consequence with His first commission, and that is to be fruitful and multiply."

"Oh. So…this is a bible." Neah concluded, making Allen sigh once again.

"Neah..." called the brunette as he and Cross made their way on an arm chair adjacent to Mana and Neah; Allen sat beside Mana while Cross sat beside Neah. "That's my father's journal. The first quarter you read is only a summarized copy of its original written by our ancestor, Seth, the third son of Adam and Eve after the murder of Abel. Seth wrote everything he knew on a stone and passed it on his first child, who then passed it on his one of his offspring, and so on and so forth. So, in an essence, that journal you are holding on is also a bible of some sort. The first quarter is about Adam and Eve's life, the second quarter is about the Noah's ark, the third quarter is about the Messiah and the fall of Four Great Earthly Kingdoms, and the fourth quarter will be about our generations.

The twins perked up at the mention of 'Four Great Earthly Kingdoms', so they asked Allen to tell them more about it. But, the silver eyed boy did not want to unless they finish reading and understand at least parts of each quarter, or much better half of it. However, Neah, who was the stubborn of the two, insisted to tell them the story. He even went after Cross, who kicked him off his person. He also encouraged his twin brother, Mana, to help him squeezed the information out of their friends since it was much easier to understand than read the whole journal, or bible as they call it.

It was almost lunch by the time, and Cross wanted them out already since the letter he wrote for the twins' mother said they will be home later by lunch, but Neah still pestered him and Allen, and Mana can also be as stubborn as his twin if he wanted to.

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