Chapter 21: Ronnie

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When we get home Logan says to get changed and for everyone to meet him down at the lobby.  I can tell all of us were confused but we do has he says.

                I wait now for Blake, Saige and Ivan.  Danni is down with Dare practicing her nurse’s skills.  I’m wearing a long sleeved black shirt with blue jeans and white sweatshirt. I also have on brown boots. I finally see Blake come down the hallway with Ivan and Saige behind him.  He wears a blue Michigan shirt with blue jeans and a pair of tennis shoes.  Saige wears blue jeans as well with a black tank and combat boots.  Ivan wears tan cargo pants with a gray and white under armor shirt and tennis shoes.

                “Whatever Logan has to say to us he better make it quick.”  Ivan says crossing his arms.  “I have to meet with Baxter, he wants to show me some new moves.”

                “Look, I’m pretty sure all Logan wants to talk to us is our skills.”  I turn to Blake and shrug, “maybe he wants to move us up into higher levels of training.” 

                Blake looks up and thinks for a moment.  “Maybe, who knows?”  The elevator button flashes and the door opens.  We don’t have to wait for anybody to get off so we just pile in.  Ivan pushes the 1st floor button.  The elevator makes a bell sound and shoots downward.  I’m used to the fastness now. 

                The elevator comes to a screeching stop and the doors open again.  Blake is the first one to step out then Ivan followed by Paris and me.  We walk around the corner seeing the lobby crawling with people. 

                Blake stops when we turn the corner and we stop behind him as well.  All our eyes search the room for any sign of Logan.  “Did he say where to meet?”  Ivan asks.

                “No he just said meet in the lobby.”  I say looking to where the seating area is.  Then I see the top of a blonde person’s head and Carson slouched over in a chair across form him.  They seem to be talking and I know it is Logan’s blonde hair. 

                “There he is,” I point his way.  Blake turns his head and nods walking towards him. 

                We stop in front of them.  Logan and Carson look up.  Carson looks like she has been thinking a lot.   She has that look of shock, yet annoyance on her face.  Bags under her eyes indicate she has had a long night and is exhausted  

                “Glad you could join us.”  Logan smiles. “Let’s go over to the couches where we can all sit down.”  I have no argument of that.  I won’t want to hear what Logan has to say to us standing up.  Carson sighs as she stands up from her chair and walks over to one of the couches.  Three made a box shape leaving the one side open facing the fire.  Small, desk side tables were positioned at the ends of the couches and a large glass table was in the middle. The stand for it was made out of elk antlers.  I always wonder what it was like to come here for an actual vacation, like you were really coming up north and not using it as a secret base for outcasts.   Will I ever have that?  No, I’ll never feel the joy of going on vacation with my family, I’ll probably never stop fighting in this war, and when it’s over I already know I’ll be dead because this war won’t stop until everyone in America and Canada are dead.

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