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"Mom, Selene hasn't turned off her phone!"

"Dude, stop!"

"Selene, we're taking off soon. Turn that gadget off!" Mom instructed from her aisle seat (or rather, ordered) as I pressed down on the power button, making sure to glare at the boy next to me. 

Oh my God, oh my God, I'd actually done that. 

I'd sent those messages.

In just a short while, everything would be out in the open. 

I did what I could, but I was still worried. Worried that I'd be misinterpreted.

Shameless as it might be, I didn't really regret doing those things. Okay, maybe I regretted stealing Julie's Journal and a little bit of stalking Rianne, but for the most part I did not regret what I'd done. The Tyrannical Trio wholly deserved it, and Rianne had been a piece of shit for a long time. All I was ashamed of was the reasoning I'd made behind it, and the fact that I'd become the monster I had sought to destroy.

Was it right for me to think that way? Or was it wrong and evil? I wasn't quite sure.

But hopefully, all of this would be enough - 

A slap stung my arm.

"She's asking you what drink you want, Ting!" Grandma exclaimed on my left, unimpressed as she shook her head at my embarrassment. 

I turned to the smiling air stewardess sheepishly. 

"Orange juice."

As I sipped on the delicious drink, I took a look around at my family - my parents, Sebastian and my maternal grandparents, all of us together on this same flight, headed to a new place for a new life. None of us would be quite sure of what was to come, but I was certain that each other was all we needed to get through this period of change.

I just had to step back, take a breath and trust that it was all going to be okay.

I plugged in the earphones and began searching for a movie to distract myself with.

I plugged in the earphones and began searching for a movie to distract myself with

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Angeline Whittaker had always been a night owl. What could she do, honestly? Late-night YouTube was just crucial to keeping her sane, when schoolwork and life threatened to tear any remaining shreds of sanity apart.

After having spent two hours binge-watching food videos and hearing the clock strike twelve, she turned to the package beside her.

Honestly, she'd sorta forgotten about that. But now, she was going to get to the bottom of this strange gift from that strange girl. Even better, it was the next day like Selene had instructed, although she would've opened it earlier had she not been preoccupied by that admin she had to do.

Before long, Angeline had ripped the shiny packaging to reveal a pack of Mildliners in pastel shades and a white envelope. She retrieved a letter addressed to herself and began reading - only to have her drowsiness diminish as she took in the shocking contents.

Hey Angie.

So, I lied. 

Yeah. Sorry for that. 

You were 100% right and I dissed you. I did do those things, and yes, I did have motive and all that jazz. 

But you'll be pleased to know that you got me thinking, and guess what ???? I kinda agree !!!!!! 

It was petty, it was stupid, and I jumped straight into the drama with all the snitching, thinking I was serving justice, when I was just compromising myself and everything I've ever stood for.

I'm not sure if I regret snitching, though, and I'm not sure if that's wrong or right. I just know I regret becoming a player in all the drama. Maybe that's not good enough for you and society, IDK. But anyway, Mildliners for you :) I know you like the cool colours and the greys :))

I know I lied in your face and that was an asshole move. I think that's just one of the things I need to work on as well. Honestly, I respect that you have the maturity to ignore what other people think and do your own thing (I don't know if it's just a facade either, but I hope it's not LMAO), but I think that's not really for me right now. Fingers crossed that I'll figure it out one day though. 

(SMH it better happen soon.)

I've already confessed to the people I exposed, just so you know. Anyway, thanks for smacking some sense into me and all that. 

 Selene Chan

PS. This is probably a bad time to admit to further clownery, but I'm gonna trust you with this anyway. I did regret one specific expose - I told Sarah about controversial entries in Julie's journal. It was an invasion of privacy, totally uncalled for on my end. That was 100% my bad.

Just thought you might want to know. 

Angeline reeled back in shock - it was a lot to take in, especially the postscript, which honestly wasn't very redeeming of Selene to include. Honestly, she had been sad about this entire situation - even though she, herself, tried to hide her true opinions and emotions, she did think Selene could've been an understanding acquaintance, although they had always been too different to become friends despite their similar loner status. She understood it - life in Rifton was cutthroat, and Selene had succumbed to the pressures like most, using a facade of a sweet, innocent kid to hide the scars that the social scene had given her. The same facade had been used to strike back, to reclaim lost happiness - but that was still not enough to truly fix the situation.

Revenge never fixed anything - thankfully, Selene Chan had understood, and for that, Angeline did feel somewhat proud. Proud of the mastermind to have the courage to come clean.

Perhaps, for now, with the truth come to light, positive change would begin.

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