Chapter 14: The Library

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Yesterday, I could not talk the prince Ren. He seemed distant, and my heart ached when I saw him smile just one time. So today, I have decided that I shall be a good fiancé, so he will smile for real someday.

In order for me to do that, I invited him to go to the library with me. Since it looked like he doesn't like to talk that much, I thought reading would be a good thing to try.

In my luck, he agrees. When we arrive at the library, prince Ren has a look of amazement on his face. He catches me looking; he blushes and looks away. I smile that I got some kind of reaction out of him.

I ask Emma to fetch some books on magic, and sit down at one of the desks. I motion him the seat in front of mine.

A while later, Emma gives me a book regarding on the history of magic. I take the book and peek at the prince; he had already picked one, seeming like a book on magical beasts.

I follow suit and start to read my book. To sum it up, it was something like this:

In this world Eithril, there exists magic. It exists everywhere. In the air, the ground, the ocean. The inhabitants of the land, meaning us humans, found out that we could somewhat use this magic. Some of our souls give a resonance to the magic in the air, giving us a way to use it.

There are 6 elements that magic is divided in. The 6 elements are fire, earth, wind, water, light and darkness. We only have one affinity with the elements, which is usually affected by our environment. The villainess Liliane lived in Floria which had great agriculture, so she had the affinity of the earth element. Prince Ren has the affinity of water because his capital was closest to the ocean.

There was other ways to use different magic, like ice magic or lightning magic. These were granted by Fairies as blessings.

Fairies would usually give a child that they like a blessing so that they could use their magic. They can only give blessings if our affinity is related to their magic. They usually do this just for fun, so we never meet them. We can only find out our blessings and affinities by doing the Ceremony of Magi.

The Ceremony of Magi is available to all children at the age of 10, giving them a chance to check if they can use magic. They wait until 10 years of age because our soul affects our magic. 10 years old is usually when children have a much more stable magic flow.

Fairies have 2 subcategories. One are Elementary Fairies and the other are Unique Fairies.

Elementary Fairies are Fairies that have a single sub-element that their human partner can use.

Unique Fairies are Fairies with 2 types of elemental magic that their human can use.

Getting a blessing from a Fairy is very rare, so it is even rarer to gets blessing from a Unique Fairy.

There are also rankings for mages. When they can cast a spell of that rank, they can rank up. The ranks are F, E, D, C, B, A, S and SS going from lowest to highest. There are also sub-ranks within those ranks, building up to the higher level. It ranges from I-X, X being the high you can reach in a lettered rank. 

When someone is blessed, they are given a jewel or stone to keep track of their magic. There are 10 tiers, 1 being the lowest and 10 being the highest. When you rise a rank, an object will be formed in your jewel or stone signifying a personal spell combined with your powers. The higher the rank, the more powerful it is. An example was Lucas using his power to destroy a castle. He used a rank 8 spell. If not controlled properly, it can lead to the user's death.

When I finished reading the book, I could only sigh inwardly as there was so much to process. Why couldn't it be easy like the light novels?

A/N: Yay I'm done! I'm finished editing! I was in a creative mood yesterday, so there will be pt. 2 out after!

Hope you guys enjoyed the chapter!

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