Chapter 13: The Masked Man

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I put the binoculars to my eyes. I was on the roof of a 30 story building, the one that apparently had a crime scene on it a few weeks back. I peer at the building that was a street away. Guests were starting to enter the hotel, they were tourists mostly but I could definitely spot some of the guests of the private event. I shift my gaze upwards towards the penthouse at the top. The owner was in a bathrobe and sipping some wine, must be his usual after bathing. My target isn't him, it's the jewels he own. Someone is paying me to get his sapphires and I intend to get that money. Being a freelance assassin is tough on the finance side but I do what works. As I bend over to get a closer look, the chains around my waist jingles ever so slightly, the blade of my weapons scraping the concrete quietly. I spotted a maid ironing out his suit that was looking too shiny with the sequins.

Suddenly I sensed a change in the wind, I look around but all I saw were clouds slowly uncovering the moon. A figure stands, its shadow long. I blink and it's gone. Must be just me, I haven't been sleeping lately. I put my binoculars away and jumped off the building, plunging my blades into the building as I slid down. Clubbers were starting to crowd the alleyways which wasn't very convenient for me. I pull my hood up as I walk through the noisy and unbelievably narrow alleyway, weaving through the people. Everyone was too busy to notice me and yet I felt a pair of eyes on me. I finally made it out and was now at the back of the hotel. There was a 'Staff Only' door. Perfect.


I stare at myself in the mirror. I was wearing a pale blue dress that had dark blue gems sewn on the front. It wasn't my style at all but we needed them as disguises. All our dresses were identical except the colour and area of gems sewn.

The gems of my dress were in the center that goes top to bottom vertically. Jennifer's was black and her white gems lined the top and bottom edges of her dress. Katherine's was midnight blue and her light blue gems covered the entire top in front and scatters down the skirt. Iris' was a white dress and her black gems were sewn around her waist and the top and bottom edge of her dress. The gems look as if they are floating upwards from the bottom of the skirt. We wore shoes to match our dresses. Takahiro was wearing a dark purple, almost black, suit with matching black shoes. The jacket of his suit had white gems sewn from the shoulders down, scattering the front.

"And how come I'm a janitor?" Ranger asks for probably the umpteen time. Takahiro sighs, repeating his plan again. "Because," he says, dragging the word, "we'll be inside the private event as nieces and nephew of a client that we once helped. She was invited and it was the perfect chance to infiltrate the building. You on the other hand, will be going behind the scenes. Like way behind."

Ranger's face was still confused. "And?" he asks. Takahiro sighs again, "And," he emphasizes, "you will pretend to be the janitor that is going around to clean rooms and you will make your way to the penthouse. Tell the owner that his usual janitor is away and you were the replacement. Make your way into his office. I don't know how but do it." Ranger nods his head, understanding his part at last. "What about you guys?"

Iris smirks, "We'll be talking to people of the black society, you know where those dirty deeds go down? It will be very useful. We will make our way up at 12am sharp. You have 2 hours." We finally reached the hotel, we had walked from the seamstress store. But we did blend in by walking a few streets to the hotel along with the other guests. "Hey guys, isn't that?" I point towards the 30 story building. "Oh that brings back memories." Katherine says.

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