Chapter 24

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A/N: Sorry for how long it's taken me to update. I've been struggling a bit with this chapter so I apologise if it seems a bit 'scatty'. I was writing a few paragraphs at a time whereas before I would write a chapter in one sitting. I hope you still enjoy it. 

Chapter 24

They breached the compound through the site of the explosion in an orchestrated assault, entering in single file before spanning out to cover more area. Marc led them in, followed by Jules whilst Ridgeway and McAndrew kept close to the other soldiers at the rear.
Carefully climbing over chunks of brick and burning debris which lay scattered across the floor they kept their rifles raised and scopes fixed ahead. Thick smoke clung to the dark, dense air in the room providing them with a small amount of cover whilst also blinding them.

The light from outside filtered in through the gaping hole in the wall in which they entered through but it barely penetrated the smoke that surrounded them. Jules could feel particles of pulverised brick dust clinging to the inside of her nostrils and the back of her throat as she breathed in. Moving her scarf up so that it covered her mouth and nose, Jules peered back through the scope of her rifle which offered her a better view of her surroundings, and saw that they seemed to be in a large hall.
As she looked to the floor to check where she was walking she saw pieces of paper burning on the ground from where they had been caught in the explosion.

Hoping that they did not contain any vital Intel she lifted her head back up and spotted movement from the corner of her eye. Turning around slowly she peered through her scope when her heart gave a small start as she suddenly saw a Middle Eastern man in light coloured clothes emerge from the smoke.
He was holding a machete raised in his left hand but before Jules could react a red dot suddenly illuminated the centre of the man's forehead and a single gunshot rang out from behind her.

Jules watched as a bullet ripped through the man's skull and scattered his brain matter over the debris behind him before his body crumpled to the ground in a heap. His back was arched as he landed over a pile of rubble and the machete clattered along the cement ground from his fingertips, the noise echoing through the hall. Glancing over her shoulder, Jules followed the line of the red laser back to the rifle of Ridgeway's only female recruit. As she began to lower her rifle, the recruit looked across quizzically at Julia.

Turning back to face the front Julia took a step when she heard screams filtering towards them through the smoke. They sounded like the high-pitched screams of children.

"Safia," Jules whispered to herself. Hurrying forward, Jules started to reach Marc's side and overtake him when he stretched an arm out in front of her, preventing her from going any further.

"It could be a trap," He told her logically, lowering his arm when he saw the look upon her face, "We stick together."

Knowing he was right, Jules dipped her head a little in a small nod and waited for him to walk back in front of her.
As he did so Marc took a deep breath, his heart beating against his ribcage as his senses were on high alert. At any moment someone could step out from the shadows and shoot him dead. He wasn't wearing any of his usual protection which offered some peace of mind as this was not a sanctioned mission and there was no rescue helicopter they could call in to medevac them. Any step he took could be his last but he took them anyway because there were people that needed him. More importantly, it was his family that needed him.


Someone was shaking his shoulder violently. Grunting against their presence, Carlos inhaled and instantly started to cough as thick dust clung to his throat, making it hard to breathe. Gasping for air his eyes flew open and he looked up to see a young woman knelt over him, her face was blurred by smoke but he could see her green eyes staring down at him.

12 Minutes (#2 in Military series)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα