Your Mission

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I struggled against the grip of two men who were built similarly to giants. My struggling was useless against the muscle that the men were focusing towards keeping me restraint. I gave up on struggling when I heard a deep chuckle eminating from the shadows. I knew exactly who it was; though I had never seen their face.

"Show yourself... unless your a coward." I taunted the shadow from my fixed position in front of the elevated flooring where the figure had positoned himself. The figure stood his ground, but proceeded to clear his throat.

"I don't know if you noticed darling, but your not really in a position to be making demands. However, I will amuse you, as I am no coward. And I want you to see the face of the man whose going to kill you." I saw a straight line of white teeth as the dark figure formed a smirk across his face before stepping out of the shadows. The smirk remained and he remained on the elevated level of the floor, but he was now nearing the edge as if he was going to step off. He had no intention of getting closer, though I wanted him to, he was smart enough to realize what might happen if he did. This man was talk, about 6 foot, and had dark hair with a few streaks of grey. I couldn't tell if the grey was from stress or age, but it didn't matter as they were faint. He also wore a ring that had the Russian flag symbol on it. That was how i knew this was the man, I saw that ring ten years ago when I watched that same finger pull the trigger on my sister.

"So, your the man who felt like he had the right to murder my sister? I didn't realize how cowardly you were. You may have shown your face, but you won't even approach me. Not only that, but you didn't even face my sister as you shot her from the window. Although, I have to thank you."

"And why is that young lady?"

"Your terrible aim is the reason I have this glass eye. Without it I wouldn't have as much motivation to rip out yours. But, when I get my hands on you, I haven't quite decided what I'm going to do yet." It's true, I had no idea. I've dreamed of this moment millions of times, hoping I might know what to do. But, I never quite could figure it out. I figure it will probably come to me as his neck is being crushed between my fingers.

"Well, I must admit, I didn't always have the aim I have now. I haven't missed since that first shot that night. I wanted to make sure I had a backup plan in case you tried to get away."

"Trust me, that won't be an issue. I finally know who you are, and now that I'm this close, I won't be leaving until I get what I came for."

"That's good to know, but I'm afraid that's not possible. Though, I must say, I'm very disappointed in you. I thought you might have trained harder in order to know how to escape my henchmen."

"Don't worry, I'll handle my own escape. You should be worried about what might happen when I finally do get loose."

"I must say I'm curious, but we can cross that bridge when we get there. Until then, I want you to meet my business partner. I've been keeping tabs on you and he had a large part in my schemes." I waited anxiously for him to come from out of the shadows, but he never got the chance.


I was shaken until I came to, then I sat up intensely in my bed. I quickly examined my surroundings, but was disappointed to find I was back in my bedroom.

"Are you ok Hayleiah?" I focused my eyes on my friend, or at least the one that worked, and gave her a small smile.

"Yeah, sorry I was having an important dream."

"Oh, well sorry for interupting, but training is about to start and I didn't want you to get in trouble again." I smiled at her kindess and pulled the covers that rested on my body. She really was an amazing friend, and one of the only close ones I had since my sister was killed.

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