Chapter Ten

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Chapter Ten

I have a weird feeling in my stomach that I shouldn't be doing this, especially since we just got busted by Misto. So I pull away, but not too harshly, I don't want him to be hurt or anything. So instead I speak.

"So Veda told me you got in trouble with the government somehow or something..." I say a bit awkwardly.

"Oh," he replies. "Well it's a long story...but I guess I could tell u some of it." He's quiet for a second, then begins his story.

"When Veda and I were little and still living with our parents, they told us that they wanted us to go to school. You know, so we could still be smart with our decisions and have common sense. So when we got sent off to our holes, I promised myself I would go to school, for my parents' sake. Well I found everything at school boring and pointless, except one class: weaponry.

"Now that was interesting. It was the only class I did well in, not that I paid attention to the other ones anyway. A real nice teacher taught us what weapon to use when, and occasionally she let us spar with foam weapons. I was one of her favorite students. She always told me that I was a natural at every weapon in the class. I was proud to make her proud. She became like a new mother to me." He takes a deep breath, as if it pains him to continue.

"That class was the highlight of my day, every single day...until one day she didn't show up. I knew every once and a while people got sick and had to stay home, but she didn't come back. Not the next day, nor the day after that. Next thing I knew the class was being shut down. I never saw her again...I even forgot her name...

"I was devastated. I dropped out of school, and became a person I really didn't like. I started getting in a lot of trouble; writing things, pranking important people, spent all my money... But then I heard about a new program that started up a while back, and it changed everything..."

Then he stops talking. I want to know more, but I don't think he's really up for it. I think about my school, and how we're forced to pay attention, and how we're dictated like peasants. Which leads me to thinking what the Security has done to the kids that were caught outside of the dome this morning...or what they'll do to me and my friends if they catch us...I wonder if anyone's noticed we're gone...

The door suddenly swings open, and a very drunk Ajax stumbles in with a sober Melina. "That tall chick got Ajax to drink some weird drink! And now he's all..." His actions speak for themselves. Ajax's neck rolls around, so do his eyes. Then he talks... "I need the bananas! They're the anchors that keep my feet on the ground..." He sways back and forth. I stand up and grab his arm. "Maybe you better sit down..." I say.

"NO!!!" he screams. "I NEED THE BANANAS!! MUST. HAVE. MY. POTASSIUM." He sinks to his knees. "And then the girl knocked on the door of the ominous anyone home...?"

Melina and I exchange worried glances. Calix is laughing. "Don't worry! He'll get out of it later. In the meantime..." He stands up and walks over to Ajax. Then he puts his and on his shoulder. "What happened next?"

"Morning never came..." Ajax's eyes go wide. "DANGER! DANGER!" Calix bends down. "What is it?" he asks. "ENJOY ANOTHER BAD END NIGHT!!!!" Ajax yells, making all of us flinch. Then he slumps over.

"Is he okay?" I ask, and Calix nods. "Yeah, he'll just be out for a while." He drags him across the floor and then sets him on the bed.

"The others should be back soon," Melina says. "They just wanted to stay till the end of this one song."

"Good," Calix says. "I'm getting tired. Once Veda gets here she can lead you guys back to her place."

Just then, Veda and the rest come in to the now very crowded room. "That was soooooo much fun! Wasn't it guys?" Veda says to everyone.

"You bet! Best. Night. Ever!" Dylis exclaims, hand still holding Skytus'. Everyone else just nods. Misto doesn't do anything except give Calix a cold stare, which is returned.

"Well I guess we better all get to bed," Veda says. "Let's go girls. Goodnight guys!" We say goodnight to the boys, Dylis gets a kiss on the cheek from Skytus, her eyes are as bright as the moon.

We follow Veda back to her home with smiles on our faces, tonight overall was a great one, despite the little fight scene. Dylis doesn't stop going on about Skytus until we're all in some of Veda's old pajamas under a pile of blankets. Everyone falls asleep as soon as they rest their heads down. Today has been a long day, and I wonder what tomorrow will bring as I drift off into a dream.

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