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The next few months went fast. Most of time we were shoplifting, but never got caught because of our skill. The rest of the time we were in the back of the truck or in the front, doing various art projects to keep ourselves from getting bored.

Every now and then we would be found by the authorities, but they never had much chance. We were simply in such a frantic race to reach the border, so trucks and helicopters were a simple way to distract us from thoughts of the future.

As each day drew to a close we would plot where we were, and how far from towns and cities we were. We would then throw our camouflage netting over our truck and sleep on foam and sheets which we had stolen from various arts stores along our way. All in all our truck was full of stolen things.

We had a supermarket of various foods. We had a walk-in-robe of a mix of expensive and cheap clothing. We had plenty of arts supplies, and we had a wall covered in a map of our trip so far, and the best route to travel by to get out.

The reason it has taken so many months is the fact that the C.L.O.U.D. was just outside of the capital. which was situated as far from any of the country's borders as possible, as well as our progress needing to be slow so as not to attract to much attention to our vehicle moving non-stop towards the closest border, which was over 10,000 kilometres away from the C.L.O.U.D.

Voulge was more often than not working at night, busying herself in any way possible. Rapier was often up with her, but really all he did was just sit with her and comfort her. As for me, I just tried to sleep, but after what had happened, there was no sleep granted to me, everyone else seemed to be fine with it, but that was probably because of the fact that they had done it many times before this. The others sort of excluded me, not that I minded. I was allowed to write stuff about how my life could have been fine if it wasn't for the government's intrusion into my life.

Our truck also got an upgrade. from a simple pick-up truck, it became a perfectly function weapons system, which Glaive and Katana made together, not sharing how they manufactured the bullets and even a surface-to-air missile. All in all our truck wasn't going to die without some serious attacking power, as it had titanium reinforcements placed on the inside, making it virtually immutable. On top of all of this the window panes became bullet proof, and an air conditioning system was set up in the back, meaning that all of us were able to sit in the cool. All of the materials were provided from random shops where the two of them seemed to know perfectly, despite never being there before in their lives.

All in all our lives were going reasonably well considering the circumstances. Then came Judgement Day.

The day came where Voulge announced that she just wanted to get up and leave, which left us all shell-shocked. After all this time, she was just going to leave us? Voulge, our leader, our mentor, our advisor, was just going to ditch us in the middle of a hostile area, with little to no protection, we all admired her courage for it, but behind our cheerful smiles we were all sad. She was so much part of our group as anyone else, if not more, just throwing that away was a not a selfless sacrifice like she made it out to be, rather a selfish one. She was the only reason that all of us cooperated, and while most of the others would not agree, we needed her in our band, if not to stop Rapier from going insane, as he now had to pick up the pieces and carry on.

There was a small town near the border where we stopped briefly to do our daily stealing, but we dropped Voulge off there and continued on our way, trying to make it seem that she was still with us, and to avoid them tracking her, which would be too much for any of us to bear.

Our immediate exit was less than one hundred kilometres out of this town, by the name of Merton. So we made our way that way, which maybe was slightly faster than we had been travelling for the past few days, but that was only because of our excitement to be finally free of the cage like world that we had been living in our entire lives. This was the biggest break for us, our fate could finally be made by our choices, and not some idiot who thinks they can control us. We could start a new, no more people controlling us and forcing us to do their dirty-work, especially not killing people that we had no problem with.

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