A new Era

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As her eyes refocused. Shaira slipped through her brother's hold as she looked in his eyes. Her hand on top of her.

Ezra was holding her like his life depended on it. Shaira felt it too. She swiftly moved out of his hold as she sat infront of Alkov whose eyes widen as Shaira examined his face.

"You need ointment for that. Ezra help him-"

"Stop it, Shaira. It just made me feel even more guilty. I deserved that punch."

"Yes. That's right."

Alkov eyes met Shaira as she looked at him.

"You deserved that but that's it. You deserve it come in your senses. You did. The hurt afterward, no. The regret and repentence, yes."

Shaira said she pulled him up.

"You don't need to say it, Shaira. This is far less than you have experienced in your life."

Alkov said as his eyes turned darker.

"The last thing I want is to anyone get punched on his face because of me, Alkov. As much as I hate to say it, even I would never love you guys again but I will never let any of you get hurt too."

A small smile graced on Alkov face. He was sad.

"I could never imagine a twenty-eight year old-me- believing the words of a seventeen year old girl. I just want to remind you, I regret every moment that I said those cruel things to you. I never thought I could be this inhumane and pathetic man but I did. You are too good to be true."

Alkov said as his eyes cast downwards in shame and humiliation.

"Your apology is heard. Loud and clear."

Shaira said. Her voice came out soft yet strong.

"Can someone help me move him to his room?"

She said looking at both of her other brothers. Ezra understood the assignment as he took his brother from the floor up to the room.

Her eyes travelled to other brother who had not said a single thing still lying in same position.

"Maximus. Please help Ezra if he need anything."

Shaira said Maximus looked at his eldest brother with agony. He hated him being weak but he was a human after all.

Maximus reluctantly nodded as he moved upstairs.

Shiara stood up and sit beside his eldest brother silently. Patiently waiting for him to say something.

"Are you okay?"

A speck of silence and Dexton asked Shaira. His voice come out somewhat heavy.

Shaira could not help but smile. He was Dexton after all. His number one priority was his family. Not him.

"That was one grand fall, there."

"Doesn't matter, as long as you are okay. I still stand on my actions. He deserved that."

Dexton as he finally removed his hands from his eyes.

"Can't argue that. I hate to say it but the punch was good though-and satisfying too."

Dexton sighed as he said,"I hate that you had to see it."

"I have seen far more worse than this, Dexton."

"Sometimes, I think you are a thirty year old lady trapped in a seventeen year old body." Dexton as he got up.

"I am not that fucking old."

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