Chapter 2

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It did not seem like it took very much time for the gathering to be in full swing.

While Draven did hate having people in his space, he also loved sharing it. He loved seeing the rooms bustling with people. Most of them were families or older folks just looking for a fulfilling meal, and he enjoyed being able to provide for them, even if it was just for one evening. There were always spoiled wealthy people loitering his halls. This was a welcomed change.

He took some time to walk the rooms, saving the one he really wanted to be in last. He had one of his sitting rooms dedicated to the kids. They had games and activities set up, and he was able to relax.

"King, King, King," one young girl chanted, eager for his attention. She was really small, with no front teeth and pigtails. Draven found her endearing and he squatted down to her little table. "I made this for you, sir."

She offered him the page she was drawing on. It looked to be a dragon, or maybe a flower. He wasn't sure.

"Thank you. It's wonderful."

Soon, he was surrounded by kids eager to give him their art. He motioned over Orion who tended to be his shadow most days.

"I want a space in the market to display these. I want them on the main wall no later than tomorrow morning. I want everyone to see all of our future artists." 

Orion smiled, "I'm on it, Your Highness."

Draven addressed the group of kids. He was now on the floor and most of them were sitting around him.

"If you want me to keep your artwork, I will make sure everyone in the whole kingdom sees it. Give it to Mr. Orion when you are finished."

There were dramatic, excited gasps and everyone scattered to get back to work. It was adorable.

"Did everyone eat?" he asked, addressing the whole room. "Does anyone need help getting food?"

Orion stepped forward, and Draven crouched his form a bit so he could listen to him.

"The two little boys on the end have yet to eat, My King," Orion said softly. "We helped everyone else already."

Draven nodded, going to the two young men who were off on their own. He sat down next to them, and they bowed respectfully.

"Relax," he said. "Are you boys not hungry?"

One looked at the other, before tentatively looking at Draven.

"We were told we were not allowed to, sir," the smaller of the two whispered.

Draven's anger was immediate. It coursed through his entire body, from his head to his toes.

"I would like to meet whoever brought you. Follow me to the Great Hall so you can show me," he said, standing up and straightening his now mostly wrinkled suit.

The boys did as they were told, leading the pissed king to the lady who was looking after them.

She seemed unassuming. She was older with black hair, tied back out of her face. She was socializing with a few other ladies that seemed to be around her age.

Her eyes widened a bit when she caught sight of Draven, before she dropped them and curtsied respectfully.

"Your Highness," she said.

"This is Madam Hela," the boy whispered to the king.

"Madam Hela, you may straighten and tell me why these boys here are not allowed to eat at my party."

He noticed the slightest tremble as she spoke softly. "There are several other children at the children's home who were unable to come to this event. I was only trying to keep it fair, My King."

Draven found that to be very reasonable, and his anger cooled.

"I understand," he said. "I will donate all of the leftovers from today to your children's home and to the others equally. Let the boys eat while they are here."

He knew there would be a shit ton of food leftover, and he had always planned to donate it to begin with.

Madam Hela mouth dropped in shock. "That is so kind, sir. Thank you. The kids will appreciate the treat." She turned to address the two little boys. "Tell King Draven thank you, Jak and Drew."

Jak smiled brightly, "Thank you, King." And Drew followed his lead.

"You all are welcome," Draven rumbled. "Come along."

He took the two eager boys to the tables piled high with all of the breakfast foods. There was a server who helped them with their plates and then led them back to the room with the other children.

Draven made a note to go visit the children's home eventually. Hela seemed pleasant and genuine, but that did not mean everyone else was the same way.

He made his own plate, filling it with mostly sweets. Orion was nowhere to be found, and he could see a group of girls coming towards him. He knew if he did not move fast, he would be surrounded by them.

He took his plate, and disappeared down the long hallway that led to the kitchen. It was mostly quiet there as all the food had been made, and clean up had yet to begin.

He took a seat at the table in the corner. No one paid him any attention and he appreciated that. He needed the peace for just a moment.

He was surprised at how delicious everything was. Everything was made to perfection.

"Excuse me, sir," Draven called to the only person in the kitchen. He had to be the chef because he had a fluffy white hat on top of his head.

"Yes, Your Highness?"

"These are delicious," he said, not talking about any one thing in particular. That was a lie, he had scarfed down the cinnamon rolls immediately.

The chef beamed happily, stepping closer to the king. "Thank you, My King, but all of those sweets were made by my helper, not me."

"I would love to meet them," Draven said. He wanted whoever's cinnamon rolls and cookies and cupcakes these were every day of the week.

"She has already left for tonight, but she is at my shop during the week on Tuesdays and Thursdays."

Draven ate his last cookie, thinking it over. "You are the owner of the bread shop just outside of the main square."

The chef seemed beyond pleased that Draven knew who he was. His already joyful smile brightened.

"Yes, My King. My name is George. It was a privilege to use youe kitchen and to serve you tonight."

Draven nodded. "All of the food was excellent. I would like for you to continue to be the head chef for all of these events."

George came closer, bringing over the large pan he was using at the stove. He dropped fresh bacon and eggs onto Draven's plate.

"You can't just eat the sweets," the chef teased.

Draven was a bit shocked to be treated so normally. He felt emotional. He felt like he had just gained a friend. He relaxed almost completely.

"Thank you," he said, voice softer now. George continued to smile as he worked.

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