Chapter 18:In the midst of chaos, there is also opportunity

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Oslo, Norway

Eric raced down the street in the Hummer as his mind frantically tried to come up with a plan. He never liked going into situations without knowing what he was up against, and, in this case, a wet-job team at the embassy could be there waiting for him.  Although he'd eliminated his targets from an extreme distance, it was always good to have a backup with him. There was only one person who would be his backup, but she was away on a mission right now. She was the best he'd worked with, and there was no one like her. Reaching into his pocket inside his leather jacket and pulling out his burner, he entered a ten-digit encrypted number for Holiday and clicked his earpiece in his ear.

"Eric, Gunner just called me. The wet job is already there," Holiday asked.

"I'm there; I'm going to need backup going into the embassy, not knowing if the wet-job team has backup or not."

"Who do you want for the backup?" Holiday inquired.

"Jennings, she's the best," Eric told him.

"She's on operational assignment right now, Eric, but I'll see if I get her for your backup, Holiday assured him.

Arriving at the United States Embassy, he immediately parked and stepped out as he surveyed the area, taking in the Land Rover he saw parked outside. His eyes darted over to the broken glass of shards. He'd remembered what his sniper instructor had told him when going into a battle, not knowing what the odds were. "Attack when he is unprepared and appears when you're not expected." That advice had always served him well. He rubbed the 50-caliber casing on his chain around his neck as he thought of his first kill shot.

While he waited to hear back from Holiday, he withdrew his Desert Eagle from his hip holster. Given the circumstances, he knew all too well how the wet-job team operated. He was certain Emlin was somewhere in the distance, on top of an apartment building or hotel, waiting for the right moment to pull the trigger, because he would have done it if it had been him. He was beginning to formulate his plan for how he was going to get Gunner out of the embassy and eliminate the shooters inside when his earpiece chirped in his ear. It was a Holiday.

"Eric, Jennings will be there shortly; she is just flying in from Moscow."

"Good, because I have a feeling that the wet-job team isn't going to take any chances here, Eric stated.

"Eric, we need Gunner alive. Do you? What do you do best?" Holiday remarked.

"We'll get Gunner out alive from the embassy and make sure that wet-job team is scrubbed for good," Eric stated as he clicked his earpiece, ending the conversation.

He made his way over to the Land Rover and spotted the opened Hardigg Storm cases in the back. There was no question on his mind that Headshot wanted Gunner dead, which meant that these wet-job teams were given a kill order. For his plan to work, they had to move fast and methodically, and that's what they did the best. He went over the details in his mind, making sure that he didn't miss anything that would be crucial to getting out.

Slipping his semi-automatic 50-caliber pistol back into his hip holster, Maizie voiced through his earpiece. "Eric, I'm just heading out through the airport entrance and making over to my Ford Mustang GT."

He clicked his earpiece as he voiced through her earpiece. "How did everything go in Moscow?"

Maizie voiced him through his earpiece"Everything went as planned, although I was ambushed by two assassins outside the Russian embassy."

"The Russians must have tailed you there from the airport to the embassy," Eric told her through her earpiece.

"So what do we know about this wet-job team?" Maiize asked through his earpiece.

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