Two - "The Stavrakos Mansion"

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Chapter Two

Pia's POV

Stavrakos Estate is located in the countryside of New York. From the outside, it already showed extreme power and massive wealth.

The heavily armed security guards let me pass through the huge electronic iron gates, with a gold letter S carved in the center.

"That S is surely bigger than me." I mumbled to myself, as I drove my yellow hatchback inside slowly on the wide cemented road.

In front of the mansion was a roundabout, with a gigantic fountain in the center. A statue of a lion, ready to attack, was in the middle of the fountain.

"I wonder, why the lion? Lion is the king of the jungle. Does Mr. Stavrakos see the world as his jungle? Or maybe... he's just a fan of the Lion King movie." I chuckled, then opened the car window.

I was overwhelmed by the beautiful landscape. Aunt Jodie would love living here. The tall trees, shrubs, bushes and garden were so alive like HD images. The bed of green bermuda grass was trimmed to perfection. The air smelled like heaven, so fresh and clean.

The huge mansion was designed as a solid rectangular concrete that stood in the middle of the vast estate. The back was bordered by a river, and both sides with trees, garden, pool and pond.

I have seen many beautiful houses in magazines, but nothing compared to this mansion. All exterior walls were white, and surrounded with glass windows. It was a modern house, and from the look of it, a bullet could not pass through it.

My eyes darted at the top of the mansion, and I noticed the helipad. My eyebrows rose.

"Well, the Stavrakos are mega rich. I shouldn't be surprised if there's an airport here."

Aunt Jodie's employer, Pablo Stavrakos, is a very powerful business magnate that owns multiple lines of businesses in the whole world. From real estate, shipping, steel manufacturing, food industries and many more. He's a widower, as far as I know.

His only son, Kristov, is another story. A young billionaire, with a bad reputation with women. Thousands of women flock at his doorstep, waiting in line to date him. He dated celebrities, models, socialites, politician daughters, and many more. I read from the tabloids, that he discarded them easily like a disposable grocery bag. What a heartbreaker!

He's exactly the type of man I avoided. That's a big red flag.

I heard about him, but I never really knew what he looked like. I'm not interested in business, and the people involved in it.

But I could not deny that Kristov Stavrakos is really brilliant in business, just like his father. Lately, he made a buzz on the internet regarding his latest invention. An innovation that would change the future. Whatever it is, I don't know... I don't care.

"This is it." I parked my car in front of the mansion's main door. I combed my long brown hair briefly with my fingers, putting all the wavy tresses on my back, then fixed the zip of my blue skinny jeans that open whenever I sit down for too long.

I got out of the car, then looked around. There was no one, so I headed directly to the main door.

"Hey you! Stop right here."

I froze when I heard someone shout. I turned and saw a slim middle-aged woman, probably in her fifties, wearing black maid's uniform. She was walking towards me.

I looked around, making sure she was referring to me. Then I pointed at myself, "me?"

"Yes, you! There's no other person here."

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