
Sorry to everyone for not posting Saturday! Things got switched around and I had to move that day. I will post the update tonight!


@losautenticos Thank you. we are all eagerly waiting for it I am sure. In the meantime, pls don't pressure urself.


Will wait for your update sweetheart !! Hope you are doing fine as its been long you was gone !!!


Lisa is the peculiar youngest sister to her two beautiful sisters, but other from that, she's very content with the way she looks and doesn't really care about beauty-that is, until the most beautiful boy she has ever seen comes to visit. At first she finds herself captivated to the boy and starts to feel something for him, but she is shocked to find that he is a bully, haughty and conceited, and he believes that only beautiful people should be seen with him. Everything happens so fast, and Lisa pretends that these beautiful monster words don't effect her.https://www.wattpad.com/story/366486202?utm_source=android&utm_medium=link&utm_content=share_writing&wp_page=create&wp_uname=233catsanddogs


Hey just wanted to say I completed Echo Reid's story and believe me I have never read something so fine ... You literally write masterpieces.... Not a single chapter had any flaw in them... I really love youu and your work... Hope you see this message and continue to write such work of arts please... Must say you are a great writer who portrays the characters so well ... Would love to read more of them