
If you're seeing this, go look at my archive of our own (Phantomxlegend, but its also linked in my bio)


Mama Mia, here we go again
          Haha,,, funny joke,,, this is gonna be a bit of a mouthful so, bear with me.
          It’s been what? Idk months since the last time you guys have heard from me huh, I’m assuming that maybe if you’re an old follower or even a new follower idk you’ve noticed I haven’t really been interacting much like responding to comments or saying anything.  And I’ve had some people asking when the next updates are coming.
          In short, they’re not.
          I’m sorry to disappoint you all if you’ve been waiting for an update or hoping that there would be one.  I’m truly sorry if I had gotten your hopes up or just all and all upset you guys.
          I’m not going to apologize for anything else though in regards to this update, I have to be honest with you guys and myself.  This has been coming for a LONG time, since I really fell out of the BNHA fandom, which has been the big kick starter for my account.  I said before that I’d try changing up the writing style from the old fics to make it easier to write and everything.
          It’s not easier to write.  
          Personally I’ve grown a lot as a person and in my writing since I started posting here.  It’s been around 3 years I think.  I’m a lot different than when I was younger, I have more experience and I do hold Wattpadnear and dear to my heart since it is what started my love for posting fanfics and really got me into writing.
          If it wasn’t for wattpad I wouldn’t have been able to improve my writing style so much In so little time!  I’m a bit overkill like that I suppose.
          This is probably going to be a two part message since I tend to go on a tangent...
          But I’m sad to say, and I’ve been sort of putting this off since I didn’t know what to say and I didn’t know how to say it.
          All my unfinished fics, and the ones that need updates, they aren’t going to be getting updates and I will be most likely abandoning them.  I might pick back up again, but I don’t see that in any foreseeable future right now.


@Phantomxlegend I completely understand what you are going through I also have trouble updating (since school and all that but I am still going to update) I really hope that you do continue to post and update here (and maybe continue writing your stories but that is your decision i'm not forcing you do what makes you happy) I really love your stories and hope you continue doing well and improving! <3


Thank you all, so, so much for joining me on this journey.  I cannot express how much wattpad has shaped me now and how many openings it’s given me to expand and grow as a person.  I’m not going anywhere though.
            Like I said, I might possibly write some fanfics here or even post more original content!  But that’s not a today problem.
            I want to tell you all how grateful I am that you’ve read my stories and even taken the chance to follow me!  I have my life and you guys have yours but even for a moment we’ve sort of shared a bit of our lives together.  With both my fanfics and what you’ve heard from me in comments and authors notes.
            It’s been a blast.  And the way I’m talking is like I’m saying goodbye for good haha.  It’s not goodbye though.
            If you want to check out my more recent and improved writing (I’ve improved a LOT I can promise you) you can find me on archive of our own!  I have the same username as on here so you’ll be able to easily find me!
            Or if you want to just see what I’m up to idk, I haven’t shared much original content, but I have a tumblr and I’m very active on there.  I believe I have a link in my bio but my url is @phantom-does-a-thing 
            Thank you all for understanding and not being too impatient with me.  
            I love you guys!


there's no turning back after you start reading this trust me this will put a smile on your face. Every night , someone thinks about you before they go to sleep. At least fifteen people in this world love you. The only reason someone would ever hate you is because they want to be just like you. There are at least two people in this world. That which would --- for you and those which would not. You mean the world to someone. Someone that you don't even know exists loves❤ you. When you make the biggest mistake ever, something good comes from it. When you think the world has turned its back on you, take a look. Always remember the compliments you've received. Forget the rude remarks. So if you are a loving friend, send this to 15 people including the person that sent it to you. (a.k.a) Me. Something good will happen to you between 12 in the morning and 4 o'clock pm tomorrow, it could be anywhere . Get ready for the biggest shock in your life. If you break this chain YOU will be cursed ⚡with relationship problems for the next 20 years. Send this to fifteen people in fifteen minutes. Make Someone else's day. Help get a smile on someone's face! Help someone out! remember that your loved. F.R.I.E.N.D.S. =Fight for you =Respect you =Involve =Encourage you =Need you =Deserve you =Save you. Send this to all your friends & me if I'm one If you get 4 back u r liked but if u get 7 ur loved. If you get all 15 back your the best.


Me not knowing fifteen other people who I enjoy 


Oh well guess I’m cursed life can’t get worst any way 


do I regret wattpad? no.
          Do I cringe when I think of my fanfiction on here? yes.


No sappy long message or deep meaning to this because I'm not in the mood.  I could preach about fanfiction but whatever


Y'all best be taking care of yourselves, make sure you've eaten something and had some water (otherwise your ankles will be stolen)


@Phantomxlegend Take it or leave it.


@bleh_unicorn how rude that's not the deal


@Phantomxlegend I will as long as you do


Since I'm already emotional as hell from some author's notes I posted on my older incomplete stories.  Time to get sappy as hell where people are actually going to see it.
          Thank you to everyone who follows me, thank you for joining me on this journey of my writing.  If you've read one of my books, if you've read all of them (somehow) thank you for being here.
          I never would be in the place I am now if I didn't decide to one day post my fanfictions on wattpad.  this was my first introduction to actually start writing (and eventually posting) fanfiction on a regular basis.  I improved my writing so much and so quickly because of it.
          So thank you all for joining me here and I hope that I can continue to post and you guys will still support me.  It means so much to me because everyone here has been super supportive and I've gotten pretty much nothing but nice comments on my stories (some of which  I don't really like)
          While I'm not very active on wattpad, this site still means a lot to me and I'm happy to have joined and was able to share my love of writing and whatever my current passion was.
          I cannot thank you all enough for being here and supporting me and reading my books, just giving me enough motivation to post that next chapter.  While I may not be very much into the BNHA fandom (which I'm sure a lot of you followed me for) I still hope that I could have provided some entertainment to you with my fics.
          Thank  you all so much for the lovely times and I hope that there will be many more I can look back on.
          With love,


Thank you all!


            Awww (๑•w•๑)♡  happy we all can be here for you ♡


@Phantomxlegend this made me emotional reading all of that. 


Well... it exists now, the first chapter is out and boy I probably should have planned beforehand.  BUT THAT'S NOT HOW I ROLL SO WHOOP.
          featuring: the lovely light and dark couples trope, lgbtq, opposite couples, gods/dieties, drama, and other stuff.
          Enjoy "Ten thousand years of change"




what if... I wrote an original story then posted it on Wattpad.... 
          hahaaha jk jk


Ahhh thank y’all! I have to write it first though— (since I have two ideas I haven’t actually worked much on since I don’t wanna post my main Wip on wattpad)


@Phantomxlegend  I would read that for sure