
*takes a deep breath* I feel like a burden is off my shoulder. 
          	Maybe I'll re write the last chapter with better grammer so it seems more like an ending but that's it for me in this fandom. 
          	I may published some Omori fics later but idk


*takes a deep breath* I feel like a burden is off my shoulder. 
          Maybe I'll re write the last chapter with better grammer so it seems more like an ending but that's it for me in this fandom. 
          I may published some Omori fics later but idk


I have taken a break so long, thinking of deleting the fics. Mayeb I'll post and end chapter when what was supposed to happen. I'm sorry everyone. 
          I have lost interest in writing takagi fan fiction, writing two at once was maybe too much for me, I'll write a final chapter with the plot for What are you to me, and I don't know what I'll do with the other one. 
          Once again, I'm sorry for this. I feel so terrible abandoning it. 


@ GDHR2207  Dude. You don't need to apologize. Everything is okay! Everyone have that problem and it's nothing bad about it.
            Be safe, my friend! And good luck in your life! 


@ GDHR2207  U can't write fan fictions during all ur life, so it's normal to stop one day, we understand you don't worry.


Thinking of scrapping amano as a villain because the plot I thought if is too fuckijg stupid, so maybe I'll end the plot with Sumire mogami getting together for a happy ending 


@GDHR2207 yeah Amano has just a plot convenience


@GDHR2207 hell yeah I was scared it wasn't gona end happily


You know you're a good artist when someone steals your painting and sells copies online without your permission 


@GDHR2207 positivity is guess?


@GDHR2207 so someone stole ur art? and is selling it and saying its there's and not giving u any credit


@ GDHR2207  Well I do post some fanart on reddit who are not mine but I always I always specify the name of the creator and where to find him...


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Feeling kinda sad lately , sorry to the people wanting new chapters.. I just feel too tired... 
          I've consistently posted for around a year now and I think this week was the worst week of my life, my leg feels like shit. 
          The classes get tough ( fuck 3*3 matrix multiplication) 
          And I don't have enough time to read anything or right... Everytime I try to enjoy something or write, i just end up staring at the ceiling, maybe it's because I'm in 12th grade now and need to seriously study... 
          I have a really bad writers block, and I just feel terrible in general... 
          I feel like I REALLY need a break off of everything, so yeah that's pretty much it.. 
          I feel like I'll do some more art or read some light novels to relax for once ( please leave some recommendations if you have any) , I also have a lot of anime to catch up on ( I haven't even watched season 3 of my hero academia lol) 
          I'm gonna take a break and relax, thanks for understanding. 


            Guess you feel like me, ffs, but seriously take a nice break


ay take as much time as you need when shits bad it's bad. also yea matrixes will always suck


@GDHR2207 matrix is easy, the main headache is chemistry


this message may be offensive
My teacher just announced that we will have mock exams from 20 July to 25 July... 
          My birthday is on 22 July... 
          I'm gonna have to take a test, then study the whole day for the next test with the broken leg on my birthday..
          Probably postpone my birthday... 
          Fuck this 


@GDHR2207 wait u have school in July oh yep life is a bitch


Remind me of the timemy sister had to write an end term exam, on her birthday. She was SO happy about this.