Kindly update painted in red .
          I have been waiting eagerly.  I don't want move onto your another book without completing it .


Thank you for confirming this !!


@ALBATIN I hit a really bad writers block for that book, but I've started writing again so hopefully it'll continue soon 


Oh my godddddd new version of simple man in love ......that's just  though I adore and love the previous version and is very glad that you are not deleting it I am very excited for this new journey also


I thought I'd rewrite it as it had a lot of potential to be better so I can't wait for you to read it 


Hi Zahin !! Hope you're doing well. 
          I am eagerly waiting for book 3 of romano series since the ending of book 2 of Romano series . Please do it asap. I am really very eager to read it . 
          Sorry to rush you but I can't wait any longer . And there is a request from me . Can please write a sequel for "Sins of Duke Evander " like in the for of Aurelio's story . I am very much intrigued by his character.  Sins of duke Evander is my favorite book . Please please consider my request. ❤


Thank you!!
            Have a good day!!


@ALBATIN Hi, I'm very well thank you for asking. I'm currently working on Book 3 of the Romano series but since I've recently completed my other book 'The Grace of a Thousand Stars' I'm taking it slow as well as the fact that I've also got Uni that I need to focus on. However, since there are people waiting for the book, I'm thinking that I might publish some chapters earlier than planned, hope you enjoy the book. Also, I will take your thoughts about a Book for Aurelio into consideration. Wishing you the best 