Chapter 9.5 : Saturday Morning

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Nishikata and takagi were still on the sofa, he opened his eyes

Nishikata : ( that's right…. We Fell asleep on the couch…) ( he pulled a remote from the table and switched off the TV)

Takagi : mhm….. ( she groaned under her breath) is it morning already?

Nishikata : seems like it ( he stretched his body while still on the sofa) I love Saturday and Sunday mornings…

Takagi : there isn't really any rush to wake up early is there… Let's stay like this longer… ( she snuggled up close to him)

Nishikata : ( he put he arm around her) if you really want that…

Takagi : ( she pulled him close and joined their foreheads…) it's so much fun… Living like this… ( she kissed him on his cheek) this is the happiest I've ever Been…

Nishikata : do you want to live with me?

Takagi : I do… But…. If I leave then Sumire and houjou will have to either leave the apartment and go the gossip hole that is the girls dorm or get a roommate ( she chuckled) and I don't think anyone can put up with their shenanigans..

Nishikata : I am technically their landlord… I could even arrange them to live free of charge if you ask me too…

Takagi : the school requires a register to know where each student lives off campus… it will be against to the rules to stay with you… So I'll have to stay downstairs… On paper atleast

Nishikata : then you can just say it's your address I mean… you'll be close enough…

Takagi : do you want me to stay with you…

Nishikata : and what if I do…

Takagi : then can you make the arrangements?

Nishikata : consider it done….. ( he put his hand through her hair) how is your hair always so soft ( his hand brushed on her cheeks) your skin too…

Takagi : I'll tell you if you come to the bath with me, it's that simple…

Nishikata : ……

Takagi : having some pervy thoughts?

Nishikata : maybe…

Takagi : then?

Nishikata : not yet…

Takagi : you're no fun… ( she rested back on the cushions) you know I always thought this scenario to play in the reverse order…

Nishikata : me too

Takagi : what did you imagine?

Nishikata : I don't remember much … ( he stroked through her hair) ( his eyes were getting heavier every second) just you…

Takagi : yuki?

Nishikata : ( his eyes were completely closed and he was sleeping soundly)

Takagi : didn't think he'd be out so fast (she noticed something silvery in his shirt) is that…

Takagi pulled out his part of the couple locket, the silver even though faded still glowed in the slightest of light… as if it was a piece of the moon itself

Takagi : this brings back so much memories…. ( she pulled out her part and connected them together to show the picture they had taken at the observatory with the comet ) that was by far the best day of my life…

Takagi looked at his wrist and a watch shone back at her

Takagi : this watch… Its the one I bought for him… I got it just before his growth spurt… It Barely fits him anyone… ( She check the watch which look well worn as if he wore it everyday) he kept his promise ( a huge blush appeared on her face)

Takagi then stared at his hands…

Takagi : yuki really got his muscles after middle school huh… ( she ran her finger up his hard) muscles…. ( then over his stomach and chest)....... I should stop… ( never imagined I'd be the one to do it while he is asleep)

After regaining her composure

Takagi : his birthday is coming up…. I Could get him a new watch.. And should also get the lockets polished again… maybe even something else…. ( she gave him a kiss on the forehead and got up to start making some breakfast for both of them)

630 words

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