Chapter 9 : Its Your Choice

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Nishikata was walking to class with takagi, as soon as they entered they noticed that the crowd was looking at someone, Mogami who had cut off the long hair 

Nishikata : dude you look sick 

Takagi : I have to agree you look pretty good

Mogami : now I can't even tell what they're thinking about me now… 

Sumire : look you don't need to pay attention to them 

Random girl : um excuse me….

Mogami : yeah? 

Random girl : Pardon me if I'm wrong but are the rumors about you…. Um…. 

Mogami : …. 

Nishikata : the rumors are all made up…

Random girl : oh.. Then sorry for treating you like that yesterday… 

Mogami : ( she's apologising? Looks really change things huh?) it's alright I forgive you… 

Random girl : that easily? ( I was expecting to grilled by him) 

Mogami : I'll forgive everyone as long as they apologise… 

Sumire  : ( God he's an angel at his core… its so sad he's treated like this) 

Random girl : thanks… ( she disappeared back into her friends) 

Nishikata : looks like things are going better…. But I have to be honest i wouldn't forgive those asses so easily if I were you… 

Mogami : well good things don't last long for me so I don't wanna ruin my chances by not forgiving those people… 

Sumire : you should value yourself more 

Mogami : ( he just gave an awkward chuckle) 

At that moment amano entered the classroom and all the girls were fawning over him and some boys scoffed at him 

Amano : Mogami and takagi please step out I need to talk to you both 

Mogami : sure… 

Takagi : ( she hadn't interacted with amano since the  confession and she didn't wanna deal with the awkwardness, she looked over at nishikata) 

Nishikata : ( he noticed her unease and said) hey amano I need to discuss something too 

Amano : sure just let me talk to them first

They all stepped out  

Amano : Mogami since you didn't attend the science class for over a year you've got too many projects piled up… 

Mogami : (he just groaned) 

Amano : look I would let you go but since e the principal has changed some of the policies this is out of my hands… I'll need the signature of a another member of the student council to wave off your assignments but considering your umm… Reputation…. I don't think anyone will sign.. 

Mogami : ( he juay let out a small sigh) I understand…. 

Amano : look I know the rumors are false but there's nothing we can really do about it… 

Nishikata : does my sign work? 

Amano : well yeah it will ( I almost forgot about him) 

Nishikata : ( he gave Mogami a reassuring look) consider it waved 

Mogami : thanks… ( this is literally the nicest anyone has ever been to him other than his parents ) 

Amano : just drop by after recess to sign the papers in the student council room 

what are you to me? Part : 2 [Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now