First Snowfall

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-(3rd Person POV)-

Aizawa held the small girl's hand in his as they walked down the decorated halls of the school alongside the small mouse. The younger was ecstatic at the sight of the animalistic male.

"This school is so big!" The younger female smiled at the ravenette. He stayed in silence.

"It is, isn't it. It's one of the best high schools in all of the world for making heroes!" Nezu replied. "Who's your favorite hero miss?"

"My big brother!" She smiled widely, almost emitting sparkles from how pure and bright it was.

"Really?" Nezu feigned surprise. "Why so?"

"He gives me lots of apples and he saved my life! He's my hero! I am his biggest fan!" She gushed.

"What about Endeavor? He's number one, after all."

"My brother says: 'If I ever see him, it's on sight'?" She said confused. "What does that mean?" She looked over to the taller hero as if she were expecting him to reply.

They both deadpanned, not as surprised by the comment. "It means he doesn't like him very much."

"Oh... it must be because of a very good reason then." She said convinced, hitting her fist against her palm softly.

'Hopefully.' Both males wished.

"We're here." Aizawa pointed out, pushing open the door to the common room in the dorms before turning to the principal. "This is a bad idea..."

"It can't be that bad. Plus, it's good training for them to watch over children." He said as a matter of fact.

Aizawa sighed before stepping inside.

"A CHILD!" They all screamed when they saw the small girl.

"Take care of her and don't do anything stupid. We're out looking for her big brother since she was lost. Take good care if her as part o your training, or I'll actually expel you from UA." Aizawa glared before giving the younger the 'ok' to step in.

She went inside and shyly waved "Trick or... Treat..?" She greeted, looking at the Christmas decorations in the room.

"It's 'Merry Christmas'." Aizawa corrected with sympathy.

"So cute!" The students cheered, running over and gushing over the white haired female.

Tsu and Uraraka approached the girl with big smiles. "Do you remember us? Probably not, but we saw you at the festival! We were crying a lot..." They sweatdropped.

The girl squinted her eyes at the girls, trying to recall until her eyes seemed to show her realization. "You're the girls that froze big brother in place!" She pointed out with a grin.

"Huh?" The class asked, looking over at the girls.

"We met her at the end of UA's Culture Festival, kero." Tsu specified. "We thought her brother was Midoriya-kun."

The atmosphere became gloomier in a matter of seconds, catching the younger off-guard.

The purple haired boy who was slightly taller than the young girl walked up to her and extended his hand out to her. "What's your name girlie? Can't wait to see what you look like ten years from now..." He drooled.

She glared at him, copying her big brother and what he did to those who bothered him, making them both look terrifying especially because of the innocent and pure looks they were born with. The smaller backed away quickly, spewing a bunch of apologies to the girl and earning an amused grin from the teacher.

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