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* A couple of days later*

They were on the surface, Ready to go until Erwin turned to Marie.

"Since you're a bit young, You'll be staying with a foster family until you're able to join the Survey Corps."

"What?! No one told us that we'll be separated!" Isabel immediately shouted.

"She must. She's too young to join..." Levi replied. "Besides.. there's no need for her to be endangered this quickly in her life."

Marie felt that Levi's energy was slightly sad and the same was for Furlan.

"Don't worry Isabel. I'll be fine. We'll see each other soon okay?" Marie reassured her.

She saw that she was getting teary-eyed, so she hugged her.

"I'll be okay... You be safe too okay?"

"Y-Yeah I'll be okay too," Isabel said while sniffing.

Then she went to Furlan and hugged him as well.

Marie then went to Levi but before she could hug him, he patted her on the head.

"Don't make me worry Marie" Levi said.

"... Y-Yeah I'll be good," Marie said as he ruffled her hair.

"Good. Now. Marie will be staying with an elderly couple in-wall Maria in the Shiganshina district." Erwin told them.

Then another carriage came to pick her up.

"I guess I'll be going now. Bye Levi, Farlan, and Isabel! Be safe!" Marie waved at them as they waved back.

Marie got into the carriage and there were two Elderly people.

"Hello Dear. My name is Range." The old man started. "This is my wife Rose. You're Marie right?"

"Yeah. It's a pleasure to meet you" Marie wobbled a little because the carriage started riding.

"I heard you're friends are joining the Survey Corps. I'll wish them the best of luck!" Rose started.

"Yes. Actually... One of them is my biological brother. He is a little anti-social and cold, But once you get to know him, you'll realize he has a soft side. I also don't call them friends. I see all three as my family. They are more like brothers and sisters to me."

"Now that's great to hear! I hope we'll get to meet them one day."

"This elderly couple seems nice. I'm sure I'll feel at home with them"  Marie thought.


After a couple of hours, the carriage came to a stop.

"Oh. We must have arrived." Rose said.

The carriage door opened and they walked out.

"Welcome home, Marie." Range said.

They walked in and there was a simple kitchen with the dining table. There were three other rooms. A small one with a bed and a desk. a bathroom and another room where Rose and Range slept. But there was one special feature... A piano.

(A/N: I know piano's were invented in 1700 but In here they aren't)

"Excuse me, Rose. But is that a piano?" Marie pointed at the huge black thing.

"Yes, it is. Range and I love to play on it. We may teach you some things." She gave Marie the sweetest smile.

"I'll give you some time to unpack dear. Come to me when you're done okay?"

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