Declaration of War

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"I..." Shigaraki thought, looking as if he were searching through his memories. "Can't remember much actually...from before I met you and sensei."

"Ah, I know a lot about that." The doctor chirped.

"And yet... when I wear 'everyone', my anger flows out."

' "Everyone"...?' I thought, looking at the taller boy.

Shigaraki removed the hand covering his face. "I've been thinking, day in, day out." He paused. "What I remember most clearly is sensei's embrace. Until then, I was an empty shell."

"Shigaraki..." Spinner said, clearly shocked at Shigaraki's way of opening up.

"It's strange... when I wear everyone, I feel sick to my stomach and want to vomit, but my heart becomes calm. How strange is that?" He asked the doctor. "All that's the left in me are a few fragments of those visions from the past; but even so, there's a gaping hole in my heart. My anger keeps pouring out of it!"

"I feel constant weight on my shoulders." He finished, looking down at the floor sadly before cracking a grin. "Even if we were to really accomplish it all. This hole in my heart won't go away. What I really despise is 'everything'. 'Everything' that breathes pisses me off. So why not just destroy it all? 'Everything', once and for all. So lend me your strength, doctor. I'll show you everything from heaven to hell."

Spinner looked shocked, but you could mistake it as looking dumbfounded.

"Sounds like something out of a kid's pipe dream! I'm surprised you could say all of that with a straight face!!" The doctor laughed. "ALRIGHT, I'M IN!! I'LL LEND YOU MY STRENGTH SHIGARAKI, TOMURA!! LET'S SEE WHAT YOU CAN DO!!" He said maniacally. "AFTER ALL, VILLAINS ARE THOSE WHO BRING PIPE DREAMS TO LIFE!!"

I smirked, agreeing with the crazed male.

"Wha? So easy." Compress wondered.

"Tomura-kun had some pretty disturbing things on his mind, huh." Toga sweatdropped. "HEY! Does that mean the things I like will get destroyed too??!" She huffed.

Shigaraki sighed. "The wishes of my comrades are separate. Do as you like."

Toga jumped up and down happily. "ALRIGHT!!" She cheered.

"You're even more than I expected, Shigaraki!" The doctor laughed.

"Bastard... you were messing with me..." Shigaraki grit his teeth annoyedly.

"I wanted to see how much you've grown with my own two eyes." He stated. "I'd planned to cooperate from the start. These little guys here are part of that. And what's more, I've been preparing some 'research' for you." That seemed to catch Shigaraki's full attention. "However, I won't hand it over just yet. You guys are weak! That's a fact!"

I winced at the insult. 'Harsh, much?'

"I'll have you guys attain at least the bare minimum. Unlike me, that thing isn't so naive as to accept you so easily from the bottom of its heart."

'Why does he keep talking in some sort of code??!'

"Gigantomachia. Make him submit to you! Only then, will I give you my everything. If you want it. Grab it with your own two hands." He grinned.

"Ah... I see" Shigaraki smirked. "That was a hell of a long tutorial."

"I ain't helping. You can go do as you like, leader." Dabi shrugged spinning around to not face Shigaraki.

"He's just salty that his flames didn't work on it." Toga explained.

"Shut up, crazy. I'm on the verge of finding some good members, I'd like to spend more time on that." He retorted. "I don't give a shit about the leader's innermost thoughts. I move on my own accord, got it?"

Villain with a Heart (Todoroki X Villain!Deku) Soulmate!AUМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя