Chapter 43 : Valentine's Day

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It was the 14th of February and nishikata was walking to school just like he normally would but something was bugging him

Nishikata : (I don't really have much time huh? The concert is in 2 weeks and I still haven't asked her about but today is valentines day so maybe I'll be able to ask her today) ( he made his way to the intersection and waited for her)

After 15 minutes of waiting takagi was here

Takagi : good morning yuki!!

Nishikata : ( he still couldn't take that as he was still getting used to first names) good morning Takagi....

Takagi : ( she had a smirk on her w face) do you remember whats today?

Nishikata : as far as I can tell it's valentines day...

Takagi : ( hmm... He seems to have gained an immunity to normal teasing... I'll have to get closer..) well do you expect chocolates?

Nishikata : yeah I'm expecting two

Takagi : .... Wait two?!

Nishikata : yeah I think I'll get atleast two.. ( he said nonchalantly) ( Shuichi taught me this, observe your opponent and you can counter effectively, if she tries to tease me ill just counter back so either it's a tie or I'll win)

Takagi : ( this method of teasing is way too sophisticated for the likes of him, this must be shuichi-san's help)

Nishikata : yeah shuichi also taught me how to read minds somewhat...

Takagi : ( oh then read this, banana, King Kong, donkey, red, circle, lettuce asparagus) what am I thinking? ( this will be impossible to guess)

Nishikata : you're most probably thinking of random things and how ill never guess what youre thinking

Takagi : ok that's freaky...

Nishikata : it's hard... Sometimes I can't read anyone sometimes their thoughts are written on their face

Takagi : it used to be so easy to tease you now its like a competitive sport

Nishikata : ( he just laughed)

Both of them came upto their school lockers and when nishikata opened his he didn't expect what he saw inside...

Nishikata : holy.....

Takagi : ( she turned around to see what was happening when she saw that his locker was stuffed to the brim with chocolates) huh.... That's a lot.... ( sumire wasn't kidding when she said he's the most popular boy of the school)

Nishikata : someone is trying to kill me with diabetes... ( he saw that he was getting sneers from all the other boys in the area and so he quickly stuffed the chocolates into his bag and rushed to class)

In the class mina was destributing chocolates to everyone

Mina : man I wanted to give one to everyone but I don't have enough...

Nishikata : don't have enough you say.... ( it's not like I can eat them all and I want to get rid of them anyway) I'd like to make a donation ( he dumps all the chocolates in front of her)

Sanae : well looks like some one is popular...

Nishikata : I'd trade my popularity for some peace any day

Yukari : you don't wanna check? What if you accidentally donate Takagi-san's chocolate?

Takagi : .... ( I haven't even given him one yet)

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