Past sixty-seven

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(Chloe's POV)

Turned out going to the mall was a good idea. Mainly because it was still freezing outside, but also it gave Harley and I time to talk about what had been going on with our lives, and gave us some alone-time away from the nosy people that I lived with.

" often do you see Tony?" He asked me out of nowhere while we ate lunch at the mall.

I looked at him thinking about it while I stuffed Chinese into my mouth. "Occasionally. He hasn't really been around recently though. At least I don't think. I've been kinda busy. The last time was before I came to visit you. Then I went on a mission, then came back, so in hindsight it actually hasn't been that long."

I sat thinking about how Jamie hadn't died that long ago. I mean it had only been like four weeks.

Man it's been a looooooonnnnnnggggg four weeks.

I felt tears prick my eyes and no longer felt like eating. Or talking. Or anything. I was gonna have to talk to Alexis about this during our next session.

I dropped my fork and Harley looked at me. "You alright?" I shook my head at him.

"No. He's only been dead for four weeks. And I'm already happy. I feel like a terrible person!" I cried.

"Hey. What are you talking about?" He cooed taking my hand.

"Jamie. I feel awful." I sobbed and he walked around the table and hugged me.

"It's okay Chloe. Nobody expects you to get over it immediately. A person you've known your entire life died. That's not something you can just get over with the snap of your fingers. It takes time." He told me rubbing my back.

"I just feel like I forgot about him for a little bit. And I just feel like he'd be disappointed in me." I explained as he crouched in front of me.

"Chloe. He was your family. That's not something that you can just get over. Family is the most important thing in life. I would actually be more worried if you didn't feel like this. And I promise he wouldn't be disappointed in you." He smiled sadly at me while wiping the tears off my face.

"Grieving is a process. Literally. There's actually stages." He said making me laugh. "There she is."

"I'm sorry." I apologized.

"For what?" He cocked his head.

"For this. For me. I didn't mean to do this. To breakdown." I told him.

"No! It's human. You're human. You're aloud to have a breakdown once in a while. Besides, I like knowing that you have flaws." He smiled.

"You like knowing that I'm a screwup?"

"No! No. I like knowing that you're not perfect. Cause then I really wouldn't be able to compete with you." He laughed which then made me laugh.

"You don't have to compete. I like you just the way you are." I smiled kissing him lightly.

"Do you want to go for a walk?" He asked. I nodded and he took my hand.

Throwing our trash away we left the mall and headed for wherever we were walking to. After a few hours we got cold, so we grabbed a taxi and went back to the compound.

Since he was still underage mom said he could stay at the compound with us.

After saying goodnight to everyone I laid down in bed and thought. I wanted to rant. Turning my lamp on, I grabbed my phone and dialed the only person I could think of.

"Chloe?" I mentally smiled at him voice.

"Hi Cooper."

"Hey. Are you okay? You almost never call me this late."

"Yeah. No. I'm fine. I just..."

Just what?! I'm such an idiot sometimes. Ugh.

"I just missed you. We haven't talked in a bit. Wanted to catch up." I lied.

"Chloe. You know that my family loves you; you know that I care about you, but you are a terrible lier." Cooper laughed.

"I'm fine really. I just wanted to-" A knock at my door cut me off. The door opened slightly to reveal Harley. I smiled and motioned for him to come in.

"Can I actually call you back?" I asked feeling bad for doing this to Cooper.

"Chloe, are you sure you're find? You sound stressed." Cooper insisted.

"I'm okay. Really. I'll call you soon. And I promise I'll tell you everything. Okay?" I smiled at Harley holding up a finger as he sat patiently.

"Alright. But I expect complete honesty." I could hear the smirk on his face.

"Yes sir." I mocked. "Tell your fam I said hi, yeah?"

"Yeah yeah. Bye. Sleep well."

"You too." I smiled.

"Go to sleep!" He called from his end.

"Goodnight." I hung up.

"Who was that?" Harley asked curiously.

"Nobody. Just a friend. I was gonna tell him about something, but it can wait till later. Did you need something?"

I didn't lie completely. Just sorta.

Harley looked like he didn't want to let it go, but did. "Not much. It's just weird sleeping in the same place as superheroes." He admitted.

I bursted out laughing. "Trust me, once you see them all in the morning, that will all disappear!"

"Don't laugh!" He slapped my leg.

"Sorry! Sorry." I apologized as I regained my composure.

"I'm serious though. What if Tony comes around?" He looked nervous.

"Then he comes over. Big whoop. You'll  get to see him again. When was the last time? Like three years ago?" I assured him, although apparently not very well since he still looked nervous.

"Alright. You know what? I think I might skip everything I have tomorrow, and we can go out. And I promise this time I won't start crying again. Deal?" I bargained making Harley laugh.

"Okay. Sure. But it's my turn to cry okay?" He joked making me double over in laughter.

"Okay. That sounds like a plan. Now you should probably get back to your room before someone comes in." I half-joked.

"Yeah. Goodnight." He agreed, and kissed me softly.

"Night." I waved as he closed the door.

Slumping into my pillows, I ran my hands over my face.

I was gonna have a lot to talk about with Alexis next week.

Happy December 2nd! Who's ready for Christmas?! More accurately, who's ready for a new year?! I know I am!

Kinda a boring chapter, I know. Sorry. The next few chapters are just gonna be fillers until we get into some more action.

Tell me what you thought. See ya in the next one. 👋

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