Marbled Students

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I ran hopelessly around the woods hoping I'd get closer to where Dabi and Twice were situated at. My mouthguard was back in place and covering my more noticeable features so none of my classmates could recognize me. 'Shit! I'm already late enough as it is and I didn't bother to think of the fact that I'd get lost easily in this forest!' I annoyingly thought.

I saw a small amount of fire so I approached it with a smile, feeling glad I could at least arrive at a set up point. Once I spotted the two tall males I waved to let them know it was me. "TWICE! DABI!"

The masked man turned to face me, waving his arm back and forth energetically. "KID! HELLO! Get away loser." He greeted. I'd gotten used to his strange counterpart voice and actually found it interesting how he can talk like that unwillingly.

"You're late." Dabi said, stopping the flames and walking over to me.

I rubbed the back of my head and laughed nervously. "About that..."

Dabi simple rolled his eyes and walked back to do his designated task. "You're supposed to be our leader out here today so try to act like it. You can't just boss us around and not do your own tasks." He scolded.

I threw my hands up in the air. "It wasn't my fault, okay?! Muscular decided to fight me full out for no reason and tried to kill a little boy by a cliff. I fought him mostly because he was pissing me off and stuff..." I clarified.

"Is the boy okay?!?" Twice dragged his gloved hands over his masked face in a shocked facial expression. "Hope he's dead!"

"He's okay I think. I told him to leave as I was fighting that bitch on steroids." I scoffed, crossing my arms over my chest.

Twice started to slice at the air rapidly. "AHHH!! DAM IT, DABI! THEY GOT US!! WHAT ARE YA?! SOME WEAK LITTLE SHRIMP?!"

Dabi sulked a bit but didn't seem to mind the insult. "Done already...? Dam, I really am weak..."

"HUH?!" Twice and I gaped simultaneously.

"WHAT ARE YOU SAYING?! DONT JUMP TO CONCLUSIONS! YOU'RE STRONG!!! IT'S JUST THAT WE WERE DEALING WITH A PRO THIS TIME..." Twice argued back. I shook my head vigorously up and down agreeing with Twice's statement.

Dabi remained stoic and rather glared away from us. "Clone me again, Twice. I've got to take that pro out of action."

"I CAN MAKE AS MANY LITTLE SHRIMPS AS YOU NEED!!" Twice snapped his fingers in one hand and flipped him off with the other. "LEAVE IT TO ME!!!"

"I'll leave you guys to it then. I need to go and look for compress and see if he has what we need." I said, patting both their backs before departing to look for the masked magician.

"Bye little shrimp junior!" He waved once more. "Go to hell shortie."

I can't say I enjoyed Twice's last nickname as much as the first, but I've gotten used to the worse ones in my stay with the league.

After a few minutes I spotted the magician jumping through the trees. "Compress!" I sighed in relief I finally spotted him. He somehow spotted me and stopped, jumping Dow to the ground and walking over to me. "Hey, kid."

"Did you get what we needed? At this time, reinforcement might get here in a few." I pointed out.

"Yes! But..." He rubbed his head and sighed. "I haven't found our second part yet. I'm close to finding them but they can be anywhere!"

"It's okay. Just find them quick. I'll help since I'm supposed to stick with you anyways."

"I don't know if that's an insult or not. I'll take it as a compliment though." He bowed dramatically before climbing back up the tree. "Care to join me up here, my little assistant?"

Villain with a Heart (Todoroki X Villain!Deku) Soulmate!AUWhere stories live. Discover now