Part 21 Movie together

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They had both returned to Nishikata's house, and Nishikata was now waiting for Takagi-san to finish in the shower. "I'm glad I gave her a change of clothing before she got in." He said as he let out a sigh of relief. "I didn't want to have to deal with an awkward situation of trying not to look at her while handing it to her."

A few moments later, the door opened, and out came Takagi-san, with her hair tied back, wearing Nishikata's orange shirt and black pants. 'Takagi's wearing my-' He quickly shook his head and regained his composure. 'Relax, this isn't something to worry about, it's not the first time she's worn your clothes ... that didn't sound right.'

"Nishikata?" Takagi-san said, snapping him to attention. "I'm going to start the wash while you're in the shower, so just leave your wet clothes outside the door, okay?"

"But ... you're a guest."

"It's okay, I don't know what I would do while I'm waiting for you to finish anyway."

"I suppose you have a point there."

As soon as he went inside, Takagi-san walked to the side and turned away, as she waited to hear what sounded like the door closing for a second time. "Looks like I had better get started." She turned around and grabbed the clothes Nishikata placed by the door, before making her way downstairs, and into the room where the washing machine and dryer were. 'There's also the fact that I wanted to make sure that it was washed correctly, not that I don't think Nishikata could do it, but walking home in Nishikata's formal wear ... might require an explanation that I'd rather avoid right now.'

She threw both sets of clothes into the washing machine, as well as a few dirty towels and soap, and turned it on. "There, now I just wait for this to finish, then I throw them into the dryer."

She stepped out of the laundry room, and into the living room, where a small stack of DVD's was set up with a small post-it note on it that read 'pick one.'

"Looks like Nishikata prepared this while I was in the shower, I wonder what he picked out." She began looking through them, and much to her surprise, they were all romance movies. "Does he ... not know what he's getting himself into? I mean he is trying to salvage a romantic date, but still/." She began looking through them, looking for ones she knew the most about. "I kinda want to go easy on him ... so what's the least sappy one here?" As she looked through the stack, she found that finding one that wasn't sappy was  actually rather difficult. "There's no way Nishikata would be able to watch any of these in public." She paused as she began thinking. "Then again, he does like 100% unrequited love ... but he doesn't want people to know that ... but this is just us. Would he feel comfortable watching these with me because he wants this to be our secret?" She began to blush at the thought and began looking through them again. "Okay ... if that's the case, then what would I feel comfortable watching with him?"

She began looking through them, narrowing them down a little until she heard the door updates open and what sounded like someone walking down the stairs. "You finished already?" Takagi-san asked.

"Yeah, I didn't want to keep you waiting too long." Nishikata replied.

"Well, I've almost finished picking one of the movies you left for me, but I just need a minute more."

"Okay, I'm going to get some ice cream ready, any preferences?"

"What do you have?"

"Vanilla, chocolate and ..." He cringed slightly as he looked away. "Mint."

"I'll take vanilla."

"Okay, I'll be a minute."

He walked into the kitchen as Takagi-san turned back to the movies to pick one out. "Let's see ... let's go with ... this one." She picked a cute one that filled the definition of a couples movie, that would also allow her a good opportunity to snuggle.

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