Ch. 26 - Lost My Mind

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Chapter 26 - Lost My Mind
It's late night when I finally head upstairs. Poor Hawk was right because most of the group got drunk and left the tavern in a real mess. There were a lot of empty mugs and bottles and beer adhered on half of the floor and tables. Ban has fallen asleep right with his head on a table and Gilthunder and Howzer fell asleep, resting against a wall whilst leaning against each other with their shoulders. They would freak out if I'd tell them about their closeness tommorrow.

I have helped Hawk to bring the empty mugs to the kitchen so that we can clean them tomorrow and then made sure everyone was resting halfway comfortable.
"Really can't have a party without Ban ending up being all drunk" Meliodas giggles as we help Merlin walk upstairs, who ended up just as drunk as Ban. But since he fell asleep on the table, she could rest in his room tonight, so we carry the halfway asleep Merlin upstairs, supporting her on each side.

"Can't have a party without a messy tavern" I chuckle and take another step of the stairs. I look over at Meliodas and can't help but smile when I meet his green eyes that light up the dark area. Meliodas returns my smile and looks at me lovingly when we finally reach the top of the stairs and carry Merlin to Bans room and place her on the bed. I put the blankets over her and can't help but giggle as I can't remember the last time that Merlin was that drunk.
"I'm sure Arthur would crack up if he could see her like that" I giggle quietly and Meliodas looks at me in amusement before we leave the room.

His eyes tell me that he still wants to talk with me about the news of Zeldris but I'm still not ready and he understands just by the way I look at him. He wraps his arms around me and pulls me as close as possible to his body.
"Don't you worry about me, Meliodas" I say and slowly free myself from his hug and smile at him encouraging. "You're everything that matters to me. I'm just happy you're fine."

"I might be your everything, Yami. But in the end, I'm just your best friend. But Zeldris-"

"Zeldris belongs to the Ten Commandments and I am very aware of that. We knew he'd try to kill you at some point. But let's talk about it some other time."

Meliodas nods and turns around to see Elizabeth waiting for him in front of their room. I whisper a 'Good night' to him and watch him walking over to his girlfriend. Elizabeth waves at me and then we all head inside our rooms.

I let out a relieved sigh when I close the door because I can finally take some time for myself. It sure was great to spend the evening with Meliodas and his group but I barely had time to sort out my thoughts and controll this emotional chaos inside me.
But when I turn around, I see someone sitting on my bed and flinch at my own ineptitude to recognize this appearance.
"What are you doing here?" I exclaim and try to not be too loud. "Do you even know what would happen if Meliodas finds out!" I scold but then my mood changes. "Wait, are you here to hurt him? I won't let you near him so don't even dare! How do you even got here?"

"Jeez! Yami! Will you calm down? Take a breath. Do you really think I would've stayed here for hours if I wanted to hurt Meliodas?"

"You've stayed here for hours?" I ask confused but then shake my head. Zeldris is the last person I want to see right now, yet my heart beats fast and I feel a slight amount of excitement. "No, I don't wanna hear it. You have to leave."

"I feel so welcome" says Zeldris sarcastically.

I take a deep breath to contain the emotional chaos inside me. "Zeldris, what do you want? Why are you here?"

Eventually, Zeldris gets up from my bed and walks closer to me, impending and daunting. I try to not show any fears because after everything that has happened lately, I don't know what to expect from him. "You have no right to be mad at me" he says. "I should be the one being mad!" His voice is a mixture of a thread and pure madness and for the very first time, I really understand why he's the new leader of the Ten Commandments. But I don't let him scare me and keep standing straight in front of him.

An Unknown Bond [Zeldris x OC]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ