Glowing Eyes

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(This is literally the first time I write something and almost cry in the process I-)


It was late at night now, maybe around nine or ten and I couldn't sleep. Enji forces me to sleep early and I got used to sleeping very late ever since I went to live with Izuku. It was nice and I started to really miss it.

I tossed and turned in my bed feeling completely restless when an unnerving feeling took over.

I sat up and got out of bed, making my way to the living room where everyone, but my father, was seated looking at the TV intently. My older sister, Fuyumi, had her hand over her slightly-opened mouth in utter shock. I slowly made my way over to see what was going on that caused her to act like that.

"SHOTO!" She exclaimed in surprise when she saw me. "I th-thought you were asleep!"

I didn't respond but just say down next to her, looking intently at the screen.

"-locals are saying that the power in that area is completely gone due to this incident. No one knows what's really going on, but they saw a strange and large surge of bright light first emerge from the Midoriya household. Yes. The Midoriya family who had the poor son stalked and the mother kidnapped. Heroes are waiting outside for any sort of sign of life. They said they spotted people running in the back, but nothing was there." The man reported.

A feeling of nausea crept in, so I unconsciously covered my mouth in case anything came out.

"Is-Isn't that your friend Shoto??!" My older brother, Natsuo, asked looking in my direction.

I hesitantly nodded and kept watching in hopes that this was just a bad joke or a nightmare I'd wake up from soon.

"Heroes are going in now now that they declared that everything's safe enough." The camera panned towards the door of their small home. The camera-person walked carefully towards a window and looked inside towards the empty and dark house. "It's empty. Oh! A light!" One of the heroes turned on a light and examined the place. "It's empty!" He exclaimed.

Something in me felt heavy and full of dread.


The warm and burning sensation of stomach acids and the small amount of food I had eaten earlier finally made its way up slowly. I ran towards the bathroom not to far from the living room and let it out in the toilet. Coughing and spitting out the residue, I wiped my mouth with toilet paper and flushed my vomit down.

My siblings came quickly to my aid. "Are you okay Shoto?!" They asked simultaneously.

I only nodded and wiped my mouth again, but with my sleeve.

Natsuo placed the back of his hand on my forehead. "No fever, that's good..."

"I'm fine." I retorted feeling rather annoyed by his kind gesture. I didn't need their pity.

"I'm sorry about your friend..." Fuyumi said looking down, her snowy locks of hair with few red highlights covering her face.

"I don't need your pity." I hissed.

They winced at my harsh words, backing up a bit. "S-Sorry..." She mumbled.

I pushed my way toward the screen again to see what else they had about what was currently going on. 'Please be okay Izuku...' I thought.

Villain with a Heart (Todoroki X Villain!Deku) Soulmate!AUTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon